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Question by Logos21: Science is the study of the physical world. How then, can it be used to study the metaphysical?
Neuroscience is telling us more and more about the brain and its connection to consciousness. You can even argue that the brain causes consciousness. Psychologist can say this part of the brain is responsible for this part of consciousness. For example: The frontal lobe deals in judgments. However, we are no closer to determining what the heck consciousness is, as it cannot be seen, tasted, smelt, heard, or touched. Therefore it cannot be measured. Yet how can we continue to say we can measure these things? Have you ever weighed or measured your thoughts for your friends?

Best answer:

Answer by Desk3Bound
You use the tool of ‘science’ as Ocham’s razor: removing all the unnecessary elements blocking metaphysics, and examine what’s left over.

Since metaphysics deals with abstractions and ideas and concepts, there won’t be much left for the eye to see, therefore ‘science’ as a tool is inadequate for the study of metaphysics BUT logic is the proper method of studying metaphysics.

So substitute science with logic and you will study the metaphysical much more successfully.

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3 Responses to Science is the study of the physical world. How then, can it be used to study the metaphysical?

  • Harry says:

    for example conservation of energy if you think of something you exert energy, now where do you use energy .

  • Mid J says:

    I believe in a sub branch of philosophy called ‘physicalism’. it baiscally says there is no mind or consciousness, only the brain. or the brain IS the mind. It has been determined that the shape and activity in our brain can determine us plus our experiences. Non of which we’re in control of. People hate physicalism as its determined and says we do not have free will, we’re just well formed molecules that have the illusion of consciousness. If you think about it, EVERYTHING you ever think of is based on your past experience, if you had no senses or experiences woudl you still be able to think? I don’t think so……

    A living body and a dead body are exactly the same. the dead bodyjust isn’t reacting any more.

    So yes science and philosophy can explain the metaphysical. except, in my vue, it explains it doesn’t exist.

  • Jim says:

    Science cannot measure the Spirit and it can be used in ways that mis-interpret, mis-understand and mis-lead others. I once had a small book entitled, “A Thousand Ways to LIE with Statistics.”
    All science is, you see, is kind of thinking process. It is a materialistic way of looking at the world.
    It is a corruption and a distortion of science, to use it, to attempt to answer questions which are NOT in its pervue or domain. Spirit is beyond science. And science can never be used to explain it. It is a corruption of scientific principles to attempt to investigate paranormal phenomena.

    I just want you to realize that perhaps it is the Spirit that allows neuroscientists to THINK they have understood correctly.

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