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Sensuous Magic: A Guide to S/M for Adventurous Couples

Need help with your riding-crop technique? Wonder how to wrap your husband like a mummy? Or maybe you caught your girlfriend wistfully eyeing a pair of handcuffs in a shop window and simply want to know how to bring up the subject with her. Sensuous Magic has the answers. Writer, therapist, and sex radical Patrick Califia-Rice has updated his classic introduction to S/M and power play to embrace couples of all persuasions and at every stage of experience. Although not a comprehensive technical guide (you will need a book on rope bondage, for instance, if you want to learn appropriate knots and techniques), Califia-Rice’s text offers insightful warnings, advice, and commentary, the kind of guidance you might expect from a seasoned mentor. It

Rating: (out of 4 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 19.50

Price: CDN$ 14.24

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4 Responses to Sensuous Magic: A Guide to S/M for Adventurous Couples Reviews

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Sensuous Magic: A Guide to S/M for Adventurous Couples
    I bought this book hoping to show it to my vanilla partner, who recently admitted to being a little turned on by being tied up. The intention was to show her that she isn’t as perverted as she thinks. Having read the book, however, the frank and unsympathetic style coupled with the erotic stories would, I fear, convince her that BDSM is for perverts and make her recoil away from the whole idea. The book, in my opinion, is just not sensual at all.There are some useful and interesting parts of the book, however, that deal with communication and safety. I’m sure many would find the stories a real bonus too! If only the book was written in a more sensual, less frank style. Maybe I’ll keep this one hidden somewhere as a follow-up. The other book I’ve read recently, “When Someone You Love is Kinky”, is much more what I was hoping for by means of a gentle introduction. It isn’t as ‘in your face’ as Sensous Magic and takes things a little slower. I’m waiting for a copy of “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns” to arrive so I can see what this is like, since it seems to have very good reviews. We’ll see!

  • Todd Hawley says:

    Review by Todd Hawley for Sensuous Magic: A Guide to S/M for Adventurous Couples
    This second edition of this book takes the material in the previous edition, updating it in certain spots and adds new material. As another reviewer has pointed out, this book is not a “how to do BDSM manual,” instead it covers more of the emotional and mental aspects of doing BDSM. And each of the chapters finishes with an erotic SM story, one that fits the topic just discussed in the chapter. Topics the author covers include myths about SM and demystifying them, communication & negotiation, impact play, developing role preferences, different SM relationships, finding community, and even a chapter on edge play. Although some of this chapter some might feel is not necessarily edge play. Your mileage may vary.Califia also takes a realistic attitude about doing SM throughout the book, pointing out for example that what may really hot in your mind (like a full on 24/7 D/s relationship) may not be practical when it comes to things like doing shopping or picking up the dry cleaning, or holding down a 9 to 5 job every day. Or that your Top may have a bad day or not be perfect at all times. Reality rears its ugly head.Califia even includes a glossary of terms in the back, a resource guide, and further reading material. While the book is aimed primarily toward people new to BDSM, there’s enough material here that even so-called “veteran” SM players will enjoy reading. Califia is a long time community member and his experience shows in the writing of this book.

  • TammyJo Eckhart says:

    Review by TammyJo Eckhart for Sensuous Magic: A Guide to S/M for Adventurous Couples
    The original 1993 edition of this book by Pat Califia is now replaced by this new edition by Patrick Califia (same person by the way). The chapters are increased from 6 to 10 and more information is included while everything else is updated. There is a lot of basic information here but this isn’t a how-to book — its focus is more on the mental and emotional and social aspects of starting out in SM (or BDSM if you prefer). So if you are starting out because you or a parnter knows you are interested, this book will help you figure out what next steps to take, how to discuss things, where to find resources and community; it will not teach you to tie knots or flog.

  • Roy Smoot says:

    Review by Roy Smoot for Sensuous Magic: A Guide to S/M for Adventurous Couples
    Whenever someone asks about information about the SM Community, I have two required readings…Sensous Magic and the Leatherman’s Handbook by Larry Townsend.
    I think Pat does an outstanding service to the community with this
    publication. This first edition was very difficulty to obtain, so with this second edition, a new generation will benefit from her knowledge. As she says..if we don’t take care of ourselves, who will.

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