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a Christian. God was serious about sexual immorality back then, just as He is today. Christians have the power to overcome sexual sins, but it is up to us to turn from the temptations that are all around us and follow the narrow path that leads to eternal life.

Now considering how a majority of Americans claim to be Christian, why is it that there is so much sex in our society today? One main reason is our church leaders are not spelling out what sexual immorality really is and the consequences. Sure there is a huge indignation toward homosexuality from Christians and yes it is a sin. However, it is a sin most Christians are not involved in, so it is the one they talk about the most because it involves others. My guess is that in most churches there are people having affairs outside of their marriage and others having casual sex. Why do we not see the indignation with these sins? They are listed right next to homosexuality in the Bible. The reason is they are not looking inwardly at themselves and these sins hit a little too close to home.

One other point is the Bible tells us that if a person who calls themselves brother or is a part of the body of Christ but is sexually immoral, we are not to associate with them (1Corinthians 5:11). Now we have to be very careful not to judge, but if a person in your church is outwardly indulging in these activities, you must distance yourself from them. As a Christian, we need to understand what sexual sins are and how serious they are in the eyes of the Lord.

Steve Childers is the author of Catholic or Protestant What our Churches Should Be Teaching. Visit to learn more about the book and to receive FREE newsletters that includes an article he sends out weekly.

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