Sexual Problems ? Sexual Boredom Re Ignite your Sex Life
Every couple who stay together for any length of time will experience some sort of sexual boredom.
This in itself can lead to serious sexual problems like refraining from any intimacy, and even divorce.
What can the couple do to keep the spark alive (especially as they age together) is the subject of this article.
Try and follow our advice and you can spice up your sex life, and even save your marriage or relationship.
The Roots of Sexual Boredom
The old maxim that familiarity breeds contempt is as true today as it was thousands of years ago when the first thinker coined the saying.
Even if a couple loves each other very much, the same old sex done again and again loses its magic. Another culprit causing sexual boredom is for one of the parties to have lost their interest.
It could be one (or both) of the parties is having an affair elsewhere. This will do more than familiarity to cause the original couple to be bored with their sex life.
Re-igniting the Spark
Before trying to correct the boredom, the couple must try to remember what it was like then sex together was new and exciting. Recalling this memory will be the first step in re-building the magic and interest that the couple had in the first place.
Analyzing the Problem
Being bitterly honest with yourself (and if you discuss this issue) together, you must take a good look at your current sexual conduct, and determine how much variety there is, how much standard fare, and create a wish list of things you would like to happen.
This will clear the vision
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