Shaman King
We have come a long way baby. But, have we traveled in the right direction? Do we know where we are, where we are going, or where we’ve been? I doubt it. I’m taken aback when I hear of Mayan shaman kings who would sacrifice themselves for the good of the people. How our Pope’s, presidents and kings pale in comparison today.
The excuse that they lived in a different time doesn’t wash.
A Mayan shaman today has very little material wealth if any at all. They believe that their kingdom is not of this world. Wonder where we’ve heard that one before? Or, have you? I am using the Mayan shamans though there are shamans all over the world to which the same principle applies. Shamanism refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world, but I want to tie the year 2012 to the Mayan shamans. Long live mythology!
More specifically December 21, 2012. And if you want to be very precise 11:11 UTC or Greenwich mean time.
The Mayan culture is built around the fire, earth, air, and water elements.
The shamans, kings, and time keepers (sometimes a 3 in 1) have told us that there are 5 suns that make up the 26,000 year cycle that our Solar system passes through (5,200 Mayan years or 5,125 Gregorian). And they
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