are as follows:
1-First Sun- Female dominated FIRE era
2-Second Sun- Male dominated EARTH era
3-Third Sun- Female dominated AIR era
4-Fourth Sun- Male dominated WATER ere
5-Fifth Sun- Balanced Ether era
I could probably get an A-MEN from the women that we’ve been in a PATRIARCHIAL period that’s coming to an end. But, in like fashion the males would probably say A-MEN to the female firey-airhead periods. o, let’s not go there.
So, when the fifth Sun era opens in December of 2012 and ether is the element, what then? What’s up with this ether stuff? The best that some can describe ether is the rarefied element formerly believed to fill the upper regions of space. Out there? Well, maybe here, and maybe everywhere. Maybe the entire energy field, zero-point or not, a void or not.
I see this ethereal era as a time of advanced collective consciousness. One of those unique times in history like the Axis or Axial Age. Can we say Axial II? I did, I have. We are living in some if not the most exciting times. We’re walking on the edge of destruction and expanded consciousness like has never been experienced.
We may ALL become shaman kings (queens). Hermaphrodites? In a spiritual sense, yes. we just might save our planet and life as we know it, but then is life as we know it our purpose and destiny? Something worth pondering.
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