Shaman King Episode 56 ‘The Door of Babylon’ part 1/3: part 2/3: part 3/3:
Shaman King Episode 56 ‘The Door of Babylon’ part 1/3: part 2/3: part 3/3:
i think she is a clergy fan, pretty but a little stuborn
I luv yohs scream!!!
oh shut yer stupid yellow jap shitty ass you jappo! the only good your dumb jappo swords are for is to throw your ugly jap girl babies in the air and stab them with it.
@bibi14930 shut the fuck up if you make fun of japanese sword, im going to fuck your ass
i doubt some stupid samurai sword can go against the element of fire. come on it’s just some dumb jap sword, not like some godly element of fire. you need fire to make that dumb sword in the first place. If i were the creator i wouldn’t make yoh win over hao, i will still make hao win ultimately. yao can be so annoying, together with that stupid anna.
lolz…its funny when haos oversoul take jeannes oversoul….hahahahah…
hao is not sucked by the wind he actuely jump into the gate
Its not christian, they just have a preverted sense of justice and call it such, like the crusaders or the witch hunters.
I’m a christian, and I can tell you the X-Laws stink.
In reffrence to there name, I think it reffers to the Ten Comandments that Moses received. X being the roman numeral for 10.
any1 know whats the song title at the0:00? (the continuous song of part 1)
lolz….the spirit of fire pulled that shamash with him……looks like the spirit is just like the shaman himself…..stubborn.
It would be insane if shaman king ended just like that… the gates of babylon…
Indeed. No one in the Shaman Tournment can stand up to him.
hao looks like a really tough guy to beat
Yeah, I know, but still… It’s kind of extreme.
Then, again, they’re not called the “X-Laws” for nothing.
if you read the manga it would be more clear on the subject basically its her justice to defeat evil aka hao
Jeanne is cute, even if her kind of morality is questionable.
How is it christian to kill innocent people in the process of defeating the evil ones?
same here
uhm…maybe is just me but…isnt the voice of yoh´father the same as the one of kakashi?
so do i .!!!!!!!!!!1
i like 5:48 xD
5:39 it’s like my background image
i really love iron maiden jeanne,,,, how come she was defeated by hao and yoh…..
lol it might sound ridiculous and i know this is an anime series and im totally on yoh’s side but i find hao totally HOT!!!
lol at 8:56