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New Earth Army Captain David Lakota performs the ancient Native American Ranger Prayer, a form of shamanism. He calls upon Great Spirit and the four direction, Mother Earth and Father Sky to hear his request. He offers up his best intention for the whole world and all her creatures.

Beautiful enchanting sound of R. Carlos Nakai~Enjoy~PcE~
Video Rating: 5 / 5

38 Responses to Shaman Prayer for all the World

  • Kanoasurfer says:

    Thank you David, TsalagiElder & LadyUnusual- I feel the words from all of you. May one day our world become more connected with spirit and with eachother. Greetings from Washington DC.

  • TsalagiElder says:

    As a Tsalagi Elder I would like to say that it makes no difference what color your skin is or what your beliefs is,it only matters as to how you treat people in this life, we are all the same,we all have the same desires and the same goals and that is to be good people and treat one another fairly and with respect, there is an old saying about war. War does not determine who is right. War merely determines who is left. We must learn to have respect for one another and for each other’s beliefs.

  • zenman33 says:

    As a Shaman I say that you do what must be done. Listen to no one but your Guides and those closest to you. The Earth hears your prayer, as you well know. Blessings to you, David Lakota.

  • ChristineCreature says:

    Rise above, my friend. You are expressing how you feel. You don’t need to respond to the weak who chastise you. The wise would not condemn you for believing so focus on the good and remember that within this flesh we are all one.

  • Zwierzaczor says:

    Light and Love to you David for your love and respect for Mother Earth and everything which is alive and in one with the Great Spirit! Be proud of who you are and don’t listen the stupid comments people who don’t know who they really are in the great wheel of life.

  • bigredblood5 says:

    Native Americans everywhere,” WE ARE STRONG AND WE ARE BRAVE AND WE NEVER WILL BE SLAVES”. Native Pride. Tesalaki (cherokee) and Choctaw Pride.

  • DavidLakota says:

    “Crystal gazing NewAge phony”, I like that. “Leave Native spirituality alone…” hmmm, well, I’m probably going to continue honoring Great Spirit and Mother Nature, Sky Father and Earth Mother even though you don’t approve. Thanks for the suggestion to go bastardize my ancestors, but I think I’ll just honor them too. By the way I never claimed to be Indian. Aren’t they from India? Are you one of them Indians?

  • CoupStickBoogie says:

    Fake Rez accent for a fake indian.
    Go bastardize your Ancestors Christian dogma and leave Native spirituality alone you crystal gazing NewAge phony

  • dj1957 says:

    Bleech, this whole twinkie, wannba shyte makes me wanna gouge my eyes out!!!

  • quicksilverwade says:

    ladyunusal, what elders? what nations?

  • DavidLakota says:

    Well said. And excellent well-wishes. This is a good part of how and why the world is changing. The negative and the pessimistic is having its last stand, it’s last hoorah.

  • LadyUnusual says:

    What are you doing?
    Elders are holding speeches to reach peoples consciousnss all over the world. Mother earth needs any good prayer.
    Shamanic traditions exist all over the world and all people knowing and teaching that any creation has a spirit is so badly needed.
    Make peace, take care of which wolf you are feeding.
    May you all live in peace and love. The lady

  • quicksilverwade says:

    david, you cannot follow the ways of the d/l/nakota. who are your elders? what nation claims you?

  • DavidLakota says:

    The word shaman comes from Siberia. In Hawaii it is Kahuna. Other places call it Witch Doctor, though that is a little different. Once you evolve beyond attachment to words and seek instead their meaning you may begin to fulfill your own destiny as a shaman. Or you can wallow in the stench of your own ignorance and neglect. The only difference between a shaman and an everyday person is that a shaman does what she does consciiously. Wake up SpiritLakeMassacre. Let go of the past.

  • DavidLakota says:

    My mother is the Earth. My father is the sky. I was born in America. People are native to wherever they are born. And in regard to Native American Spirituality, this is more a matter of daily life and practice than the color of skin or bloodline. I was adopted by the Apaches in 1994 and given the name Ravenfire. On my 30th birthday I was given the name Lakota. Like most or all “Spirit-names”, this is something to embrace as a challenge and life mission. It is something sacred to grow into.

  • quicksilverwade says:

    and you shunklutah? who are you? i recognize some of the dancers from your videos. southern cal is your location, right?

  • quicksilverwade says:

    i am yanktonai hunkpati dakota from kangi okute, south dakota. i have my life experiences, mine alone.

  • shunkalutah says:

    Do you walk like the old ones, or you just talk.

  • quicksilverwade says:

    traditonal northern plains people do not have to announce “the red road.” instead, that is left up to the wannabees.

  • shunkalutah says:

    I don,t know. He looks like if he follows the red road.

  • dobritaalmasi says:

    For me that is a new prayer! But i lesten charily and i think it is the truthfulness prayer i heared! Is a prayer to univers and to earth! Thanks!!

  • apachesbutterfly says:

    Panindian, all inclusive. I am good David, how are you?

  • shunkalutah says:

    Are you the red police?

  • DavidLakota says:

    Yata-hey Yellowleaf,

    Good luck with that. It’s not easy but it sure is worth it.


  • Sallyb9 says:

    Thank you David. This is just what I was looking for, It puts everything into one prayer. I want to do this every morning to start off my day.Yellowleaf

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