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During a visit to the Napo Wildlife Center, operatied by the Anangu Quichua community, among 82 square miles of rainforest rich with birds and other wildlife, we asked to meet with a local shaman. Domenic agreed to show us how he used his knowledge of the plants and anmimals to help his people. He works in concert with the nearest medical people, who are frequently very far away.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

10 Responses to Shamanic Cleansing, Ecuador

  • Suckfest83 says:

    Domenic – excellent shaman; horrible posture. LMAO

    Seriously, though, good watch this. This seems pretty legit.

  • dodgema says:

    Thanks for letting me know that. I personally believe there is an ancient connection among the ancient peoples of all the Americas. So many of their beliefs, ceremonies, arts are similar. This was a wonderful experience

  • darkness9994 says:

    this is like what the medicine man of my black foot tribe does for our rights of passage ceremony

  • DNatureofDTrain says:

    @WickedMo13 This Depends.. on the Tradition.. Many Cultures had Traditionally Female only Shamans then male Shamans came in .. Also the word Shaman itself has become over generalized…

  • dodgema says:

    Thanks for your comments.

    Traditionally shamans are men, however I have heard of a few women, esp. in Mexico. I know of no names, however.

  • WickedMo13 says:

    Is there any female shamans at all? fav. video btw.

  • dodgema says:

    No, I have not tried ayahuasca, and have no desire to. I have met those who have and was not impressed by their tales. I felt it was not right for me and not really necessary.

  • Rusty0555 says:

    Thanks Mary, I assume you have tried ayahuasca and have not really been enlightened by the experience, Why? and as far as tours to these regions, where would one begin to start their research?

  • dodgema says:

    There are tours but you have to be careful who you book with. Many are psuedo. This was the real thing.

    I’m not a big fan of ayahuasca, but many dispute my opinion.

    Do some research and just use some common sense. The group we traveled with is a nature tour, and it is a nature lodge. The shaman’s visit was a special request because of my interest in it.

  • Rusty0555 says:

    Do they have organized tours for spiritual cleansing and Ayahuasca Medicine ceremonies?

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