Participants will learn techniques to help them to ‘see’ or perceive external intrusions in a person’s field of energy, and to safely extract them. To boost the person’s own innate healing power to restore integrity and energy to the cleared area of the body.
Weekend 5. Death and Dying
The Shaman as Conductor of Souls From a shamanic perspective there is a thin veil between what we call life and death. Life is a continuum which does not end at the moment of death. One of the most important traditional tasks of the shaman is to assist people who are either dying or the spirits of those who have died, to make the transition into the places one goes after death. This is called psychopomp (conductor of souls) work.
Participants on the course will learn how to deal with the issues surrounding death and dying from the perspective of the shaman. On this course we will experience the regions where one goes after death, to help in completion of unfinished business, and to help a person make the transition of cross-over.
Residential Week
During the residential week, we will be intensively focusing on bringing the healing practices from the previous weekends into a cohesive and congurent body of work in which the participant will gain trust and confidence in this work.In addition;
Healing Mesa
We will be working with ways and means using natural objects to create and develop your healing ‘mesa’. The mesa which means in Spanish ‘table’ and ‘high place’ is created by traditional shamans to bring balance and harmony to their client. The mesa is a representation of the cosmos with both positive and negative aspects both coming