Experience the deep healing and meditative energies of the hoop drum, as Lee-Anne helps guide you on your shamanic journey meditation. Allow the drum’s healing energies to take you where you need to be. Sit back and relax, as you find answers to your life questions. Shamanic Journey’s offer one of the deepest forms of meditation. It is safe and Lee-Anne holds this space for you to go as deep as you want to. To purchase Lee-Anne’s Grounding Meditation Journey’s CD, please visit www.templeofbalance.com or email cd@templeofbalance.com Thank you, travel with love in your heart….
Video Rating: 4 / 5
a video to briefly introduce and demonstrate the use of energy healing using Reiki and Body Talk Access with a short reference to Inca Shamanic healing
Video Rating: 5 / 5
@4everpink87 – wow, what a great journey. I feel it is showing you that you do have the power within you to overcome obstacles. That you dont need to rely on others. You have all the resources you need. Well done… L
@Jonkingx – what a beautiful experience, and very uplifting, thank you. L
@TheBlamb18 wonderful, thank you for sharing.. x
Shamanic Healing Day – SYDNEY 11th Oct 2010.. connect with your power animals, experience a shamanic drumming journey and so much more. Check out our website for more info… Temple of Balance
can’t relax with this narrator lmao
@4everpink87 Try to draw paralel to your “real life”. Is there something in your life, that makes you feel like tangled in vines? So this journey show’s you,that you’ll get the “tool” to get out by yourself and find the right way….
@4everpink87 sounds like it was a test and you passed it,but thats what i interpreted from it,i have no idea lol
Okay I just came down from my journey can someone decipher this experience: my spirit guide refused to help me and watched me while i was tangled in vines and i kept asking what to do but he wouldn’t tell me. So I cut my self free from these vine chains with a knife that came out of nowhere and then i just didn’t know where to go next on my path. But then I started climbing these floating stepping stones and turned to face my guide & he smiled at me but then it was time to go and he led me back.
Yeah, you need a better reader. Somebody with a more soothing voice
you um..might want to get someone else to do the reading. That’s the most irritating, nasal voice I’v heard in a long time. It was like fingers down a chalkboard.
Kinda defeats the purpose of this vid when I had to stop listening after 10 seconds.
So bizarre, at first it didn’t seem to be working but then it was like bang and this beautiful mentor came and instructed me with answers to my question. I feel incredibly light. Thank-you.
thank you for sharing this with us…have you mapped your journey space before? would love to trade notes…maybe one day we will cross paths in a different way! blessings and namaste!
Thankyou I connected up with the Eagle loved the drumming.
gees, the voice over is a pain in the butt! Otherwise it would be a great video!
i think i hit kundalini in this state of meditation. wow.. being a shaman is great.
If you’re looking for your power animal, I highly recommend reading though Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. There are a lot of exercises to help you form a strong connection.
this is great except for the whining ladies voice. I love the words and have done this. I love the pics.
nothing happened:/
Hi there, i have one question
Is this also the way to actually find your power animal or spirit animal?
thank you for sharing this, peaceful
I really enjoyed this journey- thank you very much! I wish you many Bright Blessings, love Dianne
Thank you! I found your video just about time. It was so little time, but I thank you very much, you remembered me of the key I was searching for. THANK YOU, I will pray for your work.
This vid’s the bee’s knees.
Thank you…I found this very peaceful also.Blessings.