information so that a complete overview of the situation emerged and his question was answered fully. Typically, this summary would tell him why and how the problem had arisen for his tribe (perhaps the breaking of a taboo or a failure to observe proper rituals), the likely outcome if the energy of this situation was not changed, what could be done to resolve it, and how things might then look. He was then able to communicate this information to his people. Finally, the stone would be returned to the place where it was found and the ritual of divination would be closed.
Although this form of divination is well known, the use of stones in such as way is far from unique to the Sioux. In fact, we know of similar techniques in our European history, using rune stones to foresee future events and how they might be manipulated to give us a better, healthier, outcome.
Each rune contains information that a sorcerer has originally ‘dreamed’ in a vision and each is therefore a gateway to the spirit world. How the stones land when cast, and the images they reveal from their symbol-carved faces is interpreted by the diviner using his creative imagination in connection with the rune symbols. By seeing how the stones are spread, whether upright or inverted, front on or with the face of the stone to the earth, a vast amount of information is revealed which will be pertinent to the question asked. Decisions can then be taken on future actions in order to make the best of the cosmic patterns that are affecting that person’s life.
Both of these techniques, then, are about knowing what the future holds so that more choices are available as to how to deal with coming events. Some cultures have gone further