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by Robert Sommers through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, This project offers an overview of the Hmong people and a snapshot of their religious practice known to religion scholars as “shamanism.” The Hmong are native to inland China and as the traveling “gypsies” or “Jews” of East Asia have had a hard lot in this existence as they settle mostly, in Laos. A veritable genocide for sure.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Shamanism among the Hmong People

  • MrPloverwi says:

    Our Hmong people did not settle mostly in Laos. During the thieves in the U.S. robbery operation during 1953-1975, there were almost a million Hmong in Vietnam, while only about 400,000. Most of the Hmong fought alongside Communist force while only about 35% of the Hmong in Laos fought against Laos by aiding the CIA and other Western thieves and terrorists.

  • opensourcebuddhism says:

    @KingBowser2008 Thank you King….I continue to learn much about the Hmong people, thanks to my many Hmong students who continue to make wonderful and informative documentaries! There are now several posted to the channel.
    james powell

  • KingBowser2008 says:

    Very good man. Very accurate. Would like to meet you in person someday if possible lol. Probably one of the few peeps of the world that knows SO MUCH about us.

  • alert93 says:

    I love your channel for posting this up.


  • happyyaj says:

    good stuff.. very accurate to my understanding!

  • opensourcebuddhism says:

    i think you misunderstood. it was sarcastic, meaning of course the chinese are guilty of genocide. i was replying to an anti-Hmong racist post that seems to have been removed….sorry to give you the wrong view

  • opensourcebuddhism says:

    thanks to my hmong students! they ask their parents and grand-parents and i encourage this. glad you got some info…but the source is Hmong! not me…james powell

  • HmoobHawj1000 says:

    @opensourcebuddhism To respond to your statement that Chinese people did not act that way (killing innocent Hmong people). What do you mean that the Hmongs do not think that the Chinese used to massacre them? It is like saying now there is no genocide of the Hmong people in Laos today. I bet if you say these things are nonsense to a young Hmong, he would kill you. But if you would of said it to an elder, he would forgive you and not explain to a guy like you b/c you will not believe it.

  • HmoobHawj1000 says:

    Thanks for the GREAT information on my Hmong people. I think it is sad though, how we Hmong do not know this much and foreigners, like yourself, know more than anyone I know. I hope to study the history of my people this fall when I go to college.

  • 4heavens says:

    70 in German onli how sad…so lilo

  • lyan1695 says:

    Now, that got me thinking. One of the principles from the documents of the Art of War is to devide and conquer. There might be a theory to why Hmong people are so dispersed. It’s a lingering effect of the greatest minds from China. Hmmm…. I say, let’s reunite using shamanism. It’s the only thing that really unifies us as a people.

  • onlytu says:

    yeah, that is a funeral song… the singing part is the interpreting part of what he just blew on the qeej….

    not very good to play this in your own home… I think it’s okay if play outside of your home

  • snowstorm9091moua says:

    Hmong people fought hard during the war. They numbered 50,000 men and the Communists numbered more than 200,000. And the Hmong held out for 15 years! 1960-75.

  • opensourcebuddhism says:


    I am sure the Chinese never act that way, no? They never act with cowardice or follow just what they are told to do, no? They always think things through carefully, right? Just like during the Cultural Revolution, they executed doctors, lawyers and professors.

    Destroying a nation’s intelligencia seems pretty smart to you then, no? Good luck thinking for yourself, unlike, as you allege, the Hmong do not.

  • opensourcebuddhism says:

    How wonderful to discover that what I have been told is true! The Hmong are victims of mindless prejudice and you just demonstrated that so very well!~ Thank you Xenglee, for showing clearly that the Hmong are victims of mindless hatred. Your comment is my first personal real evidence! Thank you very much,

  • xenglee69 says:

    they forgot to say that hmong people are trained to be cowards and to do as they are told. thats why a majority of them are followers just like the ones who follow Vangpao and give him money all the time for no apparent reason. Give me that money instead, make me rich you idiots.

  • dubgli says:

    Those who do not appreciate their history and accept them will go no where in life.

  • Jackster333 says:

    The qeej music in the back ground is about leaving home and family to go to school far away.

  • someHMONGdude says:

    You can’t learn how to be a shaman. You can learn how to call someones lost spirit home with a chicken and egg but not learn how to be a healing shaman. Shaman spirits chooses certain people and offer them their loyalty of service as body guards in the spirit world. Those that are choosen can be of any age or gender. My aunt’s shaman spirits came to her when she was like 3 months old she couldn’t use them at that age though…

  • blueberrysmilie1 says:

    🙂 awesome >_O

  • blueberrysmilie1 says:

    This is very nice. Hmong people should be proud of who they are. No matter how much they dont claim to be hmong, its in your blood, its who you are. If u dont respect yourself who else will. Despite all that have happened in the past that you are not proud of(ex: parents, vangpao or other hmong ppl), you can be the first to set a good example for the younger generations to come so they are not ashame to be hmong. Our culture, religion, and people are beautiful if you take the time to admire it.

  • aquafishsoup says:

    hmong pride you call me a fucking bitch and say hmong pride haha typical hmong niggers i’m hmong too wheres your pride now nigger?

  • kuteybabe678 says:

    i do wonder if the qeej music played in the background is funeral music or not. i do agree that it’s nice of foreigners to learn about our culture, but they should understand not to put on funeral qeej music randomly like this. it’s not respectful and can summon dead spirits.

  • chaomeinthao says:

    fuck you bitch.. you go suck a dick and die. hmong pride bitch

  • aquafishsoup says:

    fuck hmong people

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