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NOTE: In my personal opinion, anyone who calls themselves a “Shaman” and does not use entheogens is not a Shaman. As Terence McKenna once said, “Shamanism is not a religion, it’s a set of techniques, and the principal technique is the use of psychedelic plants.” Ruth Inge-Heinze, Ph.D. (bio from With a Ph.D. in Comparative Religion and Psychological Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley, Ruth-Inge Heinze has devoted her life to spirituality and healing. She is teaching and conducting research in Asia, Europe, and the United States since 1960. Her work is reflected in six books, eg, The Role of Buddhism in Modern Thailand (1974); Tham Khwan: How to Contain the Essence of Life (1982); Shamans of the 20th Century (1991); Trance and Healing in Southeast Asia Today (1988/1997); The Nature and Function of Rituals (2000); The Search for Visions (2001), and over a hundred of essays in professional journals. Ruth Inge-Heinze is a long-term meditator and has been president of a meditation society in the Bay Area. She also holds licenses in Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, Reiki I and II. Aside from her regular presentations at national and international conferences, she is also the founder and moderator of the Annual International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing since 1984. Currently she is involved with a monthly Dream Group and designs the lectures for the Universal Dialog series and two other
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to recognize when you are going through a Shamanic Test. The classic signs, why it is happening, and how to best navigate this master ritual and succeed.

29 Responses to Shamanism with Ruth Inge-Heinze, Ph.D. – Part 2 of 3

  • Potemtole says:

    Is it just me or are there creepy voices in this video screaming weird stuff?

  • SilentBud420 says:

    thats your belife

  • YamTwvHuab says:

    I believe that these attributes of a shaman differ across cultures/ethnicities and cannot be generalized. I am a shaman and some of these attributes are false. For instance, for my people shamanism is a calling and not chosen. Anyone who wants to cannot simply just become a shaman. We usually are disrupted by physical or mental illness–thus the intiation of our destiny to become a shaman. It also doesnt’ occur as a need of the community ….but is spiritual and a gift designated by God.

  • lampno23 says:

    the melody of her voice makes him slowly very meditated and happy 🙂

  • spiritprofessor says:

    I just told another soul yesterday that I’ve stepped into my power and another soul recognized me as a mulit-dimensional quantum jumper. It was the break up. 46 and 2 what it takes to step through. Last night before I went to bed, I said everything I was grateful for. I am grateful for these human experiences. I am grateful for the shit the most, this is what motivated me the most to keep moving forward. Be safe and well everyone.

  • joethepro3 says:

    Yup, i feel it. Peace, love and unity!

  • JasonBerube1 says:

    You are SO cool! Thanks fer the blessing.
    Love and Light,

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy if a mind is but energy, why isnt energy self-aware? and how come i cannot convert a thoughtless object into a mind?

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy AS I SAID, if your brain were BUT energy, then when the many scientists who have tested death have caught your soul? or preserved it? wouldnt our minds be but like computers or DNA and be analyzable? Are you claiming that we are just electrical currents? Considering that we can live during acoma or some other form when brain activity is low, that theory is out of the window… You are not your body, and you are not your brain.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy Turn nasty??? im just being honest… this what life is, you are just offended by what is. So you are saying that if i ate you….. i would digest your mind??? im sorry but you say that i am making a huge claim… but look at what you are saying here. Our mindless bodies are nourished by the dust that we came from… so what? is you mind also as scientific and predictable ?

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @MrHappiness777 Dude, that is were you turn nasty. Typical reaction I suppose. I said our energies, never said anything about our minds. Look at it this way, remember your Biology class and all that time that you spent studying food webs? WHERE ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU GET YOUR FOOD FROM? The bodies of the dead are turned to soil by earth worms and such, for plants to use then animals to consume the plants then we consume them. That is evidence enough for me. Death is HER justice.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @MrHappiness777 if that is the case though… and it is ONLY mother nature, and that is just how life is… assuming you are correct, then we also must remember that you are just living in a optimistic view of the world, if this is the way, then there is but senseless pain and death endlessly and all is meaningless, accidental and ANYTHING but happy and romantic, but sick and horrifying.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy oh how cute… returning your puffy dead corpse to the world… you’re living in a dream world. your mind is NOT energy, because energy is not self-aware. If your mind was energy, then we could harvest and mix minds. It doesnt work that way, although it is easy to understand and i can see how somebody would LIKE to believe that.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy no mother nature doesnt, but mother nature allows you to die and have a memoryless death where life as a result was as good as nonexistent because it is forgotten and taken away… this means that since there is no judgment then there is no justice, if there is no justice, then there is no hope, because there is no good or evil, and pain is but a big fuck you by mother nature. And then death means that life was never life. also matter is not self-aware so it cannot create life

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @MrHappiness777 one more real quick thing, Mother Nature returns your energy back to the rest of the world, so the world lives on.

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @morningmayan don’t let it upset you too much. Just tolerate them.

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @MrHappiness777 if you were not closed minded, then maybe you would understand why I find it hard to worship your god. Our beliefs differ from each other, but we are all human. MrHappiness777 I don’t think morningmayan was referring to you, but to others who do. Now I realize that you don’t like the fact that I don’t worship Jehova, but Mother Nature, to me is more believable, she does not judge, she does not damn those who don’t worship her.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @MrHappiness777 But God saved me through christ, he changed me, and filled the void in my heart! Just because you new agers fear absolute truth and cling to relativism and acceptance doesnt mean you are correct, in fact, the law of non-contradiction and ravi zacharias would beg to differ.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @MrHappiness777 but you are worshiping the lords creation rather than the creator… what are trees but thoughtless reactions and our God is so much more and supports us so much more than some oxygen that he supplied in the first place…. and again you judge me, i am not at all close minded as you love to claim, but rather i had searched all of these self-help things, all religions and many things for many years, taking endless classes and NOTHING did anything to help me.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @morningmayan look at how quickly you judge… what did i do that was nasty? claim that those who have suffered and do wrong and choose to turn from it in there old age can be forgiven by the merciful LORD?! and you say that this is evil… I never failed to understand anything you said, its quite the contrary really, i was making the point that IF you have done great evils, how is it different that someone else who has may not be forgiven but YOU can? I never said trees were bad.. lol

  • morningmayan says:

    @spymasterJinxy It is sooo upsetting how unlike Jesus most of the christian commenters are. Talk about a hyprocracy. Jesus preached love, and they spread nastiness………

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @MrHappiness777 I never said that I was better then them I was saying I cannot bring myself to worship a god that forgives them, life is sacred. I never said I was incapable of great evils, and once again, you are failing to understand me clearly, and trees brought you the oxygen you breathe and it cleans out the carbon dioxide that you breathe. Honestly, you Christian’s are closed minding, for all your talk o forgiveness and tolerance, you are a closed minded group.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy What you are claiming by saying that you cannot believe in a God that forgives rapists and murderers is that you are superior to them… that you are not also capable of great evils, andthat you have not also already done evil things that merit destruction from a God of Justice. You are claiming to be better, and by that alone is utter sin. God forgives the undeserving because otherwise none of us would be forgiven because all of us have contributed to the pain of this world.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy actually trees never brought me here… let alone anything within nature, because matter cannot create life… thoughtless inanimateness cannot bring upon self-realization and animate-ness, this is common sense. Catholics at that time werent christians. That was a result of roman and spanish governmental control, no result of the Bible (although it taught it as evil, it does not teach to kill or any sort of punishment they gave). God doesnt support that.

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @MrHappiness777 I cannot worship a god who forgives a rapist or a murderer, and this meaningless unity of trees is what brought you and me here, in case you haven’t noticed they produce a little thing we need to breathe called OXYGEN and they remove a little thing poisonus to us called CARBON DIOXIDE. And actually Paganism is the oldest relegion in the world, the Catholics burned them, so what god supporst the killing of people? None should but a devil.

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