do someone knows the letter of this song? it´s good to sing it when 1 listens as they are like mantras Thnx 4 sharing, I love it. Light and love 4 everyone and everything on this earth and out of it.
Theres evidence backing up the theory that Siberian shamans were who started the tradition of christmas. The legend of Santa Claus is most likely based on a Siberian mushroom shaman. The red and white are the colours of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.
Did i seriously see him floating off the ground and he had 6 fingers?! Interesting shamans i should say and the voice sounded so powerful…I love this beautiful song, it lifts my spirit.
Interesting,intensive sound !
Can someone translate the lyrics into english or german ?
cool thanks
do someone knows the letter of this song? it´s good to sing it when 1 listens as they are like mantras Thnx 4 sharing, I love it. Light and love 4 everyone and everything on this earth and out of it.
No rushian!!! It s MONGOL and BURIAT MONGOL
Theres evidence backing up the theory that Siberian shamans were who started the tradition of christmas. The legend of Santa Claus is most likely based on a Siberian mushroom shaman. The red and white are the colours of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.
This is a pretty good tune.
@dharmakirjastus ”
Baikal and Siberia? is not Russia.
dharmakirjastus 3 weeks ago
Actually, it is…
Tuvans are Turks, and one day all over the world will be Turk
it’s buryat shaman
tibetan shamans
Very close to Mongolian access!
????, ??? ? ???????? ??????)
Ya Mongolian-Tatar, eta pesnya menya zavet obratno, na rodinu! Skoro priedu, mother! (great song, thank you)
Baikal and Siberia is not Russia.
@opozdun tuvans are Mongols….., sorry
we are not mongols!
That photo is very interesting, looks like a shaman who accepted buddhism which is rare, i also would like to know where it comes from…
A ty iz Rossii?
Did i seriously see him floating off the ground and he had 6 fingers?! Interesting shamans i should say and the voice sounded so powerful…I love this beautiful song, it lifts my spirit.
Long live Mongols..
song is tyvan.but in this pics usually buryat mongol shamans
Does anyone know the name of the photo at 1:49 and 1:54?
Song name is – “Tuvan Internationale” by Hun-Huur-Tu (Tuvan Turkish Band)
Since it calls or that it is the deep voice that one listens of fund?