www.shamansharvest.com – Official video for the single “Dragonfly” taken from the Tribal Music release Shine Directed by David Probst
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Terence McKenna talks about the shaman as an advanced kind of human being, able through the use of mind altering substances to project his consciousness towards other dimensions overcoming the limitations of space and time.
My ideas/thoughts have always plunged to the depths observed by Mckenna but I had never seen anyone ponder about the deep meaning of reality like I did until I saw Terrence and a few other select teachers of the world. More and more people must be felling the frustration of silence…. Can anyone from the UK give any pointers to where someone could go to meet minds of a similar level? The local boozer is full of degenerates LOL
His level of brilliance is far beyond the average drone of today’s culture. This guy amassed true wealth….Knowledge, and he then did what every wealthy man should do, Share his wealth! He was way ahead of his time. I wish there was someone I could have deep self-contemplating verbal tennis with to the level of pondering Mckenner achieved.
I do it without drugs…everyone can. Drugs only shut your energetic centers down tight after the trip/high is over.
Is he wearing Bob Marleys ring?
If you don’t contradict yourself, your position isn’t complex enough….
Couldn’t agree more..!
Thank you for putting out this perspective.
We base everything on fear. Of course we are afraid..
-Love & Gratitude-
We are indeed! ;]
Those comments were addressed to the user myfanniejigglesaboot. He/she was being a closed minded obstruction to further understanding and spiritual growth.
I had to ask why…
-Love & Gratitude-
@JuniorShaman He meant that we’re going to evolve into hyperdimensional beings, eventually.
“I could of left it there – but I, never do..”
man is a part of nature not above it. if u dont think this, you’re lost
this man is a fucking genius.
I know what you are talking about man
Ants climbing a wall is dimentional as a blind moths flutter.
@myfanniejigglesaboot The difficulty might be that you are too attached (and discontent, but unaware of) with the only things you are able to understand … and too judgemental as well. Because you don’t get it, it doesn’t mean that the ‘shit’ is his. It is yours. I and many others, for decades, have got it … that’s why the video is here. AND, if you watched it, it is because deeply inside you want to learn. Just open up, don’t get scared, don’t judge and grow with all. Peace!
I appreciate your effort. However, I am awfully mistaken here. I know exactely what he is/you are talking about. I just don’t like the way that he does talk about it. Personal I guess.
I understand that once you have crossed over to that shamanic world you are no longer what you were before. Your consciousness has leaped! therefore you are a super human being of sort and it is hard to explain in human words that lever of consciousness or that other dimentions that you have accessed! does that explains it for you?
Well my friend, if that is how constructive you can allow yourself to be, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself until you have thought them through carefully enough.
What I meant by different levels of understanding is that, no matter what information you receive you connect that info with your own memory/level of understanding reality.
What do you think he meant by “a strategy for conquering space-time”…?
“a strategy for conquering space-time”? end of story. and don’t go round spewing that intellectual level shit.
Well now your comment was deleted, but there is a big difference between listening and truly understanding. And then there is even more advanced levels of understanding..
Now, when you say that what McKenna said was bullshit and that his logic is crap, why not be a little bit constructive and build up your comments instead of spitting them out…
What do you mean exactly…?
Maybe you just don’t quite understand what he is saying…?
this guy has SHIT for logic
this guy was a smart man , not everyone will understand him. R.I.P terence
sorry dude, you are screwed up. first, the loudness and overarticulation of your rhethoric eats up a lot of your actual message, second, shamans are not any more advanced than each of us potentially is, third, relax and keep it simple. it’s good that you are enthusiastic about what your topic, but it seems to me you dont find a natural way to convey certainties. you seem to be scared that people come back at you. or maybe you want that – the genious victim. thats disgraceful.
My buddy did 7 and didn’t report anything mind blowing. He just didn’t want to get off the couch. I have read accounts of people taking 30 grams, reliable accounts. Your boundaries are your own.
but he lost me at 5 freakin grams! Holy shit! Not everyone is Terence