Question by Rogue: should i start a temple? pagans only please!?
a place for pagans to come and worship, with different rooms for the different beliefs, and private rooms for the covens, you know somewhere safe and private for there gatherings, and a place with a huge backyard for the outdoor ceremonies, and for the festivals (like pagan pride day festivals)
since i’m and ordained minister, i ask you because you are the ones to came to this temple so i need to know if i made it would you go? even once to see if you like it?
Best answer:
Answer by †Hayden† †Lyfe†
Actually, I have gone to something like this in bloomington, illinois–it was great!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
lol do we trick or treat for candy too?
hey,, why temple, not pub
If you are serious about this, there are better places to network than here. There are other online communities that you can check out. Just google “(city name) pagan”.
For Chicago:
Just another religion? Anything to get your money, I say.
It would be nice. I’m not a pagan proper, but I’d love to check it out.
(And there’s one in Bloomington?? I must get me there!)
Why would we need one? We meet individually. We don’t have any need for some universal Pagan temple.
Yes i have been having the same dream my self off and on. Also have a paper that says I can start my own Church. The name would be one of the hard parts besides the neighborhood people maybe protesting the establishment of such a church in their neighborhood.
You could turn the tables and buy a unused Christian Church building to start it in.
wither or not i could come would depend on where you established it. Not good at long distance travel. plus 60yrs old with mini strokes and arthritis.
live in southeastern Wis..
It would be a wonderful thing to have Pagan Temples as far spread and as readily local as Christian Churches.
Somewhere we can go to legally perform skyclad, and not have to worry about the cold…
Somewhere we can meet and exchange spell tips and tea recipes…
Somewhere we can always feel welcomed, even if we aren’t all of the same Pagan path…
Only thing is, there would always have to be someone there around the clock, because everyone would be showing up on different days at different times for the same damn celebration…
It’s a glorious idea, though! I hope it is as attainable as it is wonderful!
Blessed be!
It might be okay. It would depend on where it was located and how much it would cost me to go there (offerings and/or fees). A vast library would interest me. If it were dedicated to a particular deity that I don’t worship, I wouldn’t attend.
Locally, the idea of a recreation center has been brought up a few times. But it’s very expensive. For the amount of pagans we have here, by the time we paid the lease/mortgage of the building and utilities, we would each have to donate a large amount. Not all pagans have large sums of money laying around and we don’t like to be solicited for money all the time.
Depends on where it is – the basic questions would be, is it needed, and is it worth it? You’d need to be in a pretty large community to have need of a permanent place – otherwise, it’d be a temple for a handful of people, which, while nice, probably isn’t the best use of resources.
Which leads to the resources issue. Depending on where it is, it’s going to have a significant cost associated with it – especially once you add in insurance. You’ll want to have that angle dealt with first before making any motion.