Question by Soraya: Should people really worship the Virgin Mary and the cross?
I did some research and this is what I found out about the Christian religion. Christianity is not the official God-belief religion for a couple different reasons. Holidays like Christmas and Easter should not exist and neither should birthdays. The reason for this is because back in old Europe, everyone was Pagan. But when priests came to Europe to preach the word of God to the “evil” pagans, the pagans were resistant to convert to the religion. So the priests decided to make some changes to the faith to make it easier to convert the non believers. Thus was born the cross, which is the symbol for fertility in the Pagan faith. Christmas and Easter were created to resemble a couple Pagan rituals. And Birthdays are not meant to be celebrated because they are also based on a Pagan tradition. As to the worship of the Virgin Mary, it is stated in the bible that “Thou Shalt not worship a god before me” or something to that extent. God had gotten mad at the Hebrews for creating a golden calf and worshiping it. So how is placing a Virgin Mary statue in your yard and worshiping it or placing a cross on your wall or statue jesus on your wall and praying to that not similar? This I found out while searching for my own faith, researching and studying in the Pagan and the Jehovah’s Witness religion. And both are seen in people’s eyes as a bad faith. This I do not understand. Back in the day, Jesus went door to door to spread the word of God and so Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same thing today. Pagans just stick to tradition or create their own version of an old faith, just as Christianity is today: a new version to an old faith. The only difference is that Paganism is one of the oldest, if not THE oldest out there. Now, based on this information that I have stated, what do you people believe?
The symbol of fertility is a cross. Have you ever wondered why there is a cross on the female gender sign? Or why the egyptians use a cross? The cross is associated with the female body and the womb.
And by the way, Sean… I did not aim at Catholics. And who ever said I was a child? Get your facts straight before you try and attack me, ignorant and blind little book worm.
Paddfoot, I said that I studied under the Witnesses. Not that I myself am one. If you are going to read something, read it thoroughly before stating something stupid.
And to be honest, it is actually stated in the original Hebrew text that Jesus was nailed to a stake and not a cross. Scientifically, this makes more sense. If you think about it, The Christians first believed that Jesus was nailed in the hand. But when an experiment revealed that nails in the hand could not support body weight, they changed the image to nails in the wrist. I find this both vexing, amusing and a bit confusing.
3 tribes, thats all good and whatever. However, there is scientific proof on the walls of caves that Paganism was around before America was even discovered. Waay before England was even named England or had its first Queen. You can do the research online, if you don’t believe me. I’ll agree to the whole ankh thing, even though I wasn’t even talking about an ankh. And some of the Greeks were Pagan too, so don’t get me started on that bit. If you want to have a history spat, then e-mail me.
OMG, Tiger. You’re one of those people that believes in the Triad. =_= Don’t get me started on that. The Triad was never even clearly stated in the bible. Its like Muslim extremists saying that the Quran says that nonbelievers should perish. The Triad does not exist. Jesus is as much God as my brother is my father. Look in the old King James version of the Bible, Tiger. Psalms 83:18
-sigh- I guess for Jill I have to state AGAIN that I did this research from people of the Pagan and Jehovah’s Witness religion AND reading a translated version of the original Hebrew text. Also, there was nothing anti in any of the sources I got this information from. So I would appreciate if you didn’t attack anything I say or mention because these facts are founded through many years of learning.
Best answer:
Answer by theone78
No – It’s classified as idolatry and it’s considered an abomination — God Bless !
What do you think? Answer below!
How is the cross a symbol for fertility? Isn’t it straightforward that if Jesus existed and was crucified to “die for our sins,” Christians would take the image with them?
They do their little thing with Mary…
Why not?
People believe all kinds of stupid sh1t – join the club –
Hell, look at the Mormons!
Catholics DON’T worship the virgin mary, you ignorant child.
they say the romans invented the cult of the virgin mary because they couldn’t bear to be without a goddess
The Virgin Mary isn’t mention in The Bible very many times, God is who we shold be worshipping.
no thats pagan
No, they shouldn’t.
All glory and honour to God alone.
i believe religion is a hoax based on a 2000 year old book of fairy tales.
No, we shouldn’t worship them.
That’s why we Catholics do not worship either. Even though we are often accused of worshipping them.
Catholics don’t worship Mary, they look up to her as a good example and we ask her to pray for us. Its just like asking a friend to pray for you, except Mary and the saints are closer with God.
Catholics don’t “worship” Mary, but they pray to her and ask for her help. In the Bible we are told to ask God for help, and God actually warned his people against asking the dead.
some people find religion at crisis points
some people are born with faith
worshipping any physical object is actually misplaced devotion to God
oh crap, who let the witness in, now i need to get more spray, damnet
Absolutely not, you are correct in that aspect of your argument.
Sorry have me on a soap box a second.
Love to Ask,,
How many Wives did Adam have? Answer 3..
1st Lilith yep the now demon Bad Divorce I am guessing lol.
2 Eve #1 Adam didn’t like her much some reason She popped in and out not much written on her.
3 Eve you have heard about now.
That is from Hebrew text hence older then the now bible.
Yep does drive me nuts the church only tells half the story.
I agree…. idolatry is a sin… hence the reason I only pray to and worship God.
Christianity is a rip off of various pagan religions and Judaism.
Of course they should.
Some people deny God’s direct instruction, and read an abridged copy of the Bible. (And they have the nerve to call themselves True Christians).
Let them do what they want, in this life. there wil be time enough for them to repent after Judgement.
Nobody is worshiping St. Mary and the cross. St. Mary is holy and she was the mother of Jesus. She is interceding for us with Jesus for us for prayers submitted through her. Moreover, any reverence given to a person or item because of God or Jesus, it is the reverence given to them indirectly. When someone honors Cross, he is honoring it just because of Jesus. Cross is the symbol of victory of life over death and sin. Cross also indicates our relationship with God and man through Jesus. Honoring God is not just honoring him directly alone, but by honoring all those who are related to him. But worship, is only for God as the Holy Trinity.
Did you look at the Egyptian ankh? It was a cross that they carried on their person, so if they died, people would know they were Egyptian and had to be buried. Egyptian religion also believe in “life and the resurrection” but there way. When you died, you were judged for 3 days and then were resurrected. Check out the Buddhists and Hindus in Egypt and Greece during the time of Alexander the Great. Both Crisha and Buddha were both holy prophets and considered of virgin birth, and their miracles, their stories, their disciples, their titles and even death are reflected in the NT and they lived and died over 500 years before Jesus.
And the cake thing for birthdays? The Greeks, to honor a pagan god, they would make a cake in a circle, circle of life, and would put candles on it and bring it to the temple. Birthdays were popular, even in Jewish religion, but they date to the time of Abraham and Sarah and were celebrated not with cakes, but food, learning, and prayer for making it to another year–nothing pagan there. Today, few religious Jews have a cake at all.
What about the Noah Covenant since the time of Noah. Shem, his son, was the righteous king of Salem (future city of King David) and he taught Abraham the same laws to be righteous. Paganism first? I do not think our Creator had that in mind for Adam and Eve, do you? There is a long line of descendants from Adam and Eve, to Noah and his wife, to Shem and his family to Abraham and Sarah, to today. If you are a God-Fearer, they have always been around even in the synagogues before the time of Rome’s dominance. Whatever happened to Noah’s other sons and what they did from the tower of Babel to creating Hinduism and so many other religions, not all were pagans. Earliest alphabet of the Japanese one is a Biblical Hebrew alphabet. Even the original Shinto religion is based on customs found in Judaism. Then you have the influence of Greece, Rome, Egypt on Islam coupled with paganism from the moon god that was popular in Persia and Muhammad even fasted on Yom Kippur. There were Jews here in America, and my people (Native Americans) have proof that Jews were here since the First Temple fell. Even some tribes do not eat the hindquarters of deer or cattle like the Jews were instructed. The ceremonies, no pork, no shellfish, fishing with nets and even the marriage laws of many, especially Cherokee you can find Judaism.
Wow…A very interesting approach… well thought out and actually researched! I’m impressed. Strange thing is, though…there’s a lot of misinformation, misinterpretation, misunderstanding etc when it comes to reading anything printed today about anything dealing with spirituality…especially historically speaking. For example… you present (from your research i assume) an insanely broad “priests came to Europe”. What exactly does that cover? How many? where? The pagans in France believed differently from the pagans in nothern Germany and in Eastern Greece. It’s easy for a historian to just slap them all together, when the reality is much different, and much more on a case by case, place by place, and person by person instance. Regions, time periods, cultures, historical events, wars, etc…everything plays a role, as the “Church” of the time was involved in it all, in some way or another, big or small.
As for the Virgin Mary worshiping thing… that goes primarily to the Catholics. Dunno if it’s technically worship, by definition. They do pray to her, as well as many other saints, and they do hold her right up there with Jesus, since she birthed him. Through my experience, a lot of that, praying to her and the other saints, is really a comfort thing. Something more tangible to call on real people who lived and died than to a intangible Jesus and God… very similar to how those who have lost loved ones, will still ask them questions and talk to them when they are gone, but a little bit more spiritual I guess.
hmmm… your argument that the “foundation” of the symbol of the cross in Christianity is kinda weak, I think. Perhaps it is a similar symbol to that used in other beliefs for other reasons, but it is very clearly defined in Christianity for it’s involvement in a well documented torture and execution of Roman convicts, that was used to kill Jesus after he was convicted.
The two different beliefs that you studied under are seen as “bad” not just by people, but in general because most of america has foundations (real or simply historically perceived) in the Christian belief… And frankly, there are many uninformed, unresearched, and sadly, uncaring Christians out there that have and will continue to loudly label Mormans, Jehovah Witnesses, some sects of Pentecostals, and even Catholics (all that believe on Jesus), and of course anything that’s not “christian” as BAD. you know.. and the really sad thing about it is that they think they are doing their God a service by calling everyone else wrong and demanding that they are right… If you read the old testament and even the new and follow the actions of the God they believe in… creating the very universe in his hands, and he really needs all of them to defend him in such a rude and uncaring way when he calls them to do only one thing: love. kinda silly if you ask me….
Very obviously not. There are many scriptures that tell us so. Here is just a couple.
Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 20:5 you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them…
2:18 “What value does the engraved image have, that its maker has engraved it; the molten image, even the teacher of lies, that he who fashions its form trusts in it, to make mute idols? 2:19 Woe to him who says to the wood, ‘Awake!’ or to the mute stone, ‘Arise!’ Shall this teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in its midst.
10:3 For the customs of the peoples are vanity; for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. 10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it not move. 10:5 They are like a palm tree, of turned work, and don’t speak: they must be carried, because they can’t go. Don’t be afraid of them; for they can’t do evil, neither is it in them to do good.”
Also we are not to worship the beast and its image. The Lord says
Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah…
This is why jesus adds up to 616 and the crucifix calculates to the crucifix which is the image of the beast. In Revelation the Lord says he will give us his “new name” and also he has a name that no one knows but he himself.
Exodus 20:4,5 says, “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. ”
Acts 17:29 says “Seeing, therefore, that we are the progeny of God, we ought not to imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man.”
Mary is not a God.
Christians didn’t use cross to worship God.
Should Icons Be Used in Worship?
Did Jesus Really Die on a Cross?
it would appear that you know alot from your post. Its just a shame that all that you know is wrong. try comparing your info with authentic catholic information. you got all that from anti catholic source, and as usuall its all bull shit!!