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scripture that stated ‘whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.’  After thinking about it for a time, they decided that a detailed ‘balance sheet’ was required, which would provide merits and demerits in one life would be rewarded or punished in the next. Instead of believing in the Bible and realizing God had a plan, they took the easy way out; a way that required less of an explanation and intelligence to figure out.

Therefore, the teaching of reincarnation has as its basis the belief that the soul is immortal and builds on it using the law of karma. But is this scriptural? What does the Bible have to say? Let’s see.

If you read the first book of the Bible, in Genesis, we are told the meaning of the soul. If you look at the creation of the first man, Adam, the Bible says: “The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” By reading this it clearly shows that the soul is not what a man has but what he is. The Hebrew word used for soul in this case is ne’phesh. This word is used in the Bible 700 times, and is never referred to as a separate part of a human but is always tangible and physical, as the person directly.

If the soul is you, what happens to the soul at death? Well, take a look at what happened to Adam at his death. When Adam sinned, God told him: “By the Sweat of your brow you will eat your flood until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3;19. If you think about this, before God created Adam from the dust, Adam never existed. So at his death, Adam returned to the existence he had before being created, which was

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