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on people to turn against God and worship him. He will even make you suffer to achieve his means.

So why is it is that some people live a charmed life, while others suffer in poverty. Why does a person, who graduated with the highest of grades, and received high honors, cannot find a job? Wouldn’t this be because of the law of karma? No it doesn’t. The reason is described in Ecclesiastes 9:11 where it says: “I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does the food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happens to them all.” 

So is the teaching of reincarnation real or just  farce, made up by a man? The facts speak for themselves and the Bible confirms it. Reincarnation was created by the Hindus, of India, who wanted to escape the realization of having a righteous God and also having unrighteousness in the world. Instead of turning to the Bible and learning why suffering was occurring in the world, the Hindus took the easy way out and went against the Bible.  As such, reincarnation is not a biblical teaching and is therefore not supported by God.

Harry Husted is a freelance writer and author. He is also an ordained minister. His writing projects include ghostwriting, copywriting, web site content, and DTP. His credits include articles for Internet Day, Internet World, Advertising Today, Advertising Age, L-Advertising, and a host of others. Harry is also an author of two books, Learn How to Repair Computers: Get Certified in 15 Weeks, and How to Find and Start a Legitimate Home Business. He is also a co-author or ghostwriter for Byron Unleashed, a children’s book. Harry can be reached by sending email to or visit his site at

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