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Shy Girls Guide to Sex

Men have no idea how much women talk about sex.  They also don’t realise how swiftly girl-gaggles get down to the nitty-gritty, the detail of which would startle most men.  In between bouts of hilarity, women swap anecdotes about men’s size, duration, technique, giving the impression that nothing is too sacred to scrutinise.  But on closer examination, could this banter be a decoy to cover for the most untouchable topic of all; the vulnerability many females feel about sex? 

While animals get on with doing ‘it’, humans have made such a song and dance about something that is as natural as sleeping and the rules and taboos can turn the hottest woman into a frosty ice-block in bed. 

When I was growing up, good girls weren’t supposed to have sex at all.  Good married girls were expected to do their duty and the idea of female orgasm was little more than preposterous.  Then lurve-making was freed by the marvels of contraception and every self-respecting hippy thumbed their noses at convention by shagging with alacrity.  Now the daisy-chains of the ‘60’s have been replaced by the manacles of the vamp and the pressure is on for women to perform. 

Today the natural form of tender loving sex has become passé and marketing has seduced women into being on constant sex alert; to have ready shaven legs, a well manicured Brazilian, perky breasts and sanitised female parts that have the fragrance of artificial rose-petals instead of a musty old sack.  Not only does this inhibit the spontaneity of a lustful ‘quickie’ but some also believe that their well manicured body has to be covered in elaborate outfits worn with the sole intention of being taken off.

While dressing

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