Creating your own greeting cards might be something that you would think only little children would do but creating a homemade greeting card can really leave an impression. Do not think of something that is made with crayons or colored pencils but instead something you could create on your computer and include a photo that would be meaningful to the recipient. The photo can be one of you, a picture you might have taken of the person or better yet a picture of the both of you together.
Your greeting cards do not need to be something that complicated; often times a heartfelt handwritten note can really make somebody stop what they’re doing and can really make their day. You do not need to come up with the most meaningful piece of poetry ever created; a simple sentiment expressed clearly will do just fine. It is not really what you say but it is how you say it. If somebody knows that you were thinking of them and took a little time out of your day to let them know that, you will have made a difference in their day.
Louisa Mann is a fan and is a practitioner of random acts of kindness. For more information on how you can change your part of the world with an inspirational Wish Card, go to
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