Steel titan – Helps Kill minions a lot faster granting a lot of food drops helping you last longer The steel titan scroll also gives you 15 invisible defence levels against mele attacks. Overload – This potion allows you to stay extreeme potted at 125 atk str def and 122 range even if brewing it will restore back to max every 15 seconds Ancient curses- They allow you to lower the monsters defence and good boosting spell Using this method you can gain quite a few more boss kills per hour then other solo methods, This is because the killcount is 3x faster and easyer getting with titan only takes 7 minutes. With divine its about 15 per trip and normal gear its 6-8. == Bonuses on Prayers i use soloing == -Berserker- -59 Prayer Boosted combat stats last 15% longer. -Deflect Missiles- -68 Prayer Protects against damage from Ranged attacks and can deflect some of the damage back onto the attacker. -Leech Ranged- -76 Prayer Boosts Ranged by 5%, increasing to 10% over time. Drains enemy Ranged by 10%, increasing to 25% over time. -Leech Defence- -80 Prayer Boosts Defence by 5%, increasing to 10% over time. Drains enemy Defence by 10%, increasing to 25% over time. ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Disclaimer ` ` ` ` ` ` ` My videos contain images or content from Runescape. Runescape is owned and operated by Jagex Limited (“JaGeX”), We Do Not own Runescape i make videos for entertainment purposes. All music used in my video is purchased or royality free. You Can Play Runescape At: www.runescape …
erm..ancient curse SPELLS? lolwut?
how long do you last, like how many kc?
@RevenantCheetos no, a flying penis
do you get anything better than those crossbow drops? :p
awesome song:)
nice stats..
wow 3 rune crossbow drops from kree lolz
@cutekittins i Sux at drops =
@Ju5tD13 4gb ram 9600 GTS quad 3.6GHz
@1pvp4ever =[
@RevenantCheetos i thought it was a big chicken
@Ownedt kree arra is a male general of armadyl X_x
song please? pro vid
divine and its complete