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This is the second installment in the Shaman Series I am creating in order to assist in illuminating the practices of the Shaman. This particular installment deals with the ancient and revered sacred process of Soul Retrieval. I honor the way of the Shaman and hope you find this series to be both enlightening and enjoyable even as I pray I do these amazing gifted souls justice in the processing of this series. I humbly offer this now for you review and contemplation. Mitaku Oyasin (We are all relate. ~Lakota Sioux~) ~Alison Kain 2008~ “Eternally a Seeker” on MySpace
Video Rating: 4 / 5

22 Responses to Soul Retrieval: Shaman Series Part II

  • 101thehunter says:

    What are we healing ourself of???

  • dijoyjoe says:

    Thanks for sharing

  • RodCornholio says:

    Very informative. Thank you.

  • stumptacular says:

    it doesnt matter where you live… there are people practicing this ancient way of healing each other and themselves… you can find them if you are searching for them….

  • 000EJ says:

    Nice video’s. Good basic info to get people to seach further.

    Comments … community.

  • LadyJustice666 says:

    I have also healed through shamanism and soul retrieval.

    Amazing experience.

  • walkingbear56 says:

    Beautifully said.

  • saadaya says:

    Thank you for posting these two videos: many of the things you shared are things that my spirit guides have been telling me, as the Vedas say: “all Truth is one, sages know it by many names”.

  • RHODE100 says:

    ive healed threw shamanisim and soul retriever,its al true it works,its magical.
    its the deepest purest truth i know of.
    so peacful.

  • sonyarose8 says:

    Very interesting…very often, parts of us are truly lost until someone comes along & can mend it back, hopefully to feeling whole again. I just saw an interview on CNN the other day of Sen. Joe Biden. He spoke about his life, on having lost his wife and child in a horrific car accident years back. He was so lost inside until he welcomed his angel in his life (2nd wife). She saved him every way a woman could; brought his old self back to his family…just one life story out of 7 billion people.

  • cougartracks says:

    As most people know you can’t become a shaman or medicine man, you are chosen by a higher order, when your chosen you will know, others will know, you will not have to declare it, your deeds will bring you under notice, not your actions,the love that radiates from your inner being will be contagious,animals and birds all form of life will follow your trail, children know of your kindness,it’s something you can’t learn, it’s a gift from him, vnvhe Osceola.

  • cougartracks says:

    This series shows the sacred gifts given to special people chosen by the Great Spirit,and they if lucky enough to be chosen, are humble and self sacrificing asking nothing and taking nothing for their gifts of healing and spiritual guidance this refers to all the great medicine men of the world,Jesus himself was a medicine man,who cured people for no financial reward, taught people the correct way to live in fields not churches, it’s the white mans version i dispute vnvhe Osceola.

  • josepolo950 says:

    AMAZING would love to see a shaman but I live in london. thanks for sending very interesting I love all this soul searching

  • spirituality2 says:

    isolating yourself from civilization to live with nature is possibly one of the best ways to learn the flow of life and to speak with spirits and become a shaman. I dont think you have to have a teacher to become a shaman, after all, how did the shamans at the beggining of time become shamans?

  • UnstoppableMitote says:

    Do you have a teacher?
    And do one really HAVE to have one?

    I think i could go and live in the woods taking only a knife with me and find my own wisdom. Of course that would mean going “nuts” from most of the peoples perspectives. For me it would be expieriencing yet another way of preceaving this marvelous universe. No better or worse then other.

    I´m not good at using words to express me. I dont like words when it comes to discussing “these things” but it’s the only tool accesible to me now.

  • eternallyaseeker444 says:

    My apologies for answering so belatedly; I don’t login very often! I’ve done some SR work for myself & with another shaman present. It’s equally effective but difficult. Brilliant metaphor re: Don Juan & recall of his deeds! Can an SR “fix” EVERYTHING? No. It gives you what you need to put you on a path to move forward again. I’ve found & experienced this. This isn’t a delete key but a return to wholeness; you’ll have memory of what transpired in your life. SRs empower you in the NOW. 🙂

  • UnstoppableMitote says:

    And in that process one is able to relive everything that has happened to him and i guess be aware of how those expieriences has affected him at the same time knowing that he could get rid of the past by simply deleating it. What is your opinion?

  • UnstoppableMitote says:

    Very interesting.

    I was wondering if one could actually retrieve ones soul on his own. I think that it could be comparable to the task Don Juan gives Carlos in one of his books: To remember everything that has happened to him and every people he had ever met in his lifetime.

  • Witchyshaman says:

    Great video my friend…….
    One must “sing” the soul Fragment home or intice the patient’s lost spirit totem to go back home.
    One can also use Silence to obtain a altered state of consciousness.
    Both Inhibitory & Exhibitory forms get you into an altered state of consciousness.
    Bright Blessings

  • Terriena says:

    Way to go Ali, another great one!

  • eternallyaseeker444 says:

    Dear Mouani,

    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am both humbled and honored that you find this series useful and wish to share it with others; I bow to you in complete respect and gratitude.

    Namaste. Mitaku Oyasin.

  • Mouani says:

    Your heartfelt presentation will be a wonderful introduction to assist many to understand the beauty and benfits of the shamanic path.
    We are opening up to becoming more of who we are and soul retrieval is such a gift!
    I look forward to Part III!!! Thank you for giving me something that I can share with others.
    Mouani Oceana

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