by erin m
Spells that Pertain to Physical Attractiveness
Spells that pertain to physical attractiveness, like many spells, may not work in the way that you would like them to — if at all. A catch in magic is that if the universe doesn’t think something should be a certain way, it won’t let it happen. You may desperately want blue eyes instead of brown but that doesn’t mean the universe is going to obige.
The first spell pertains to attractiveness and is the most effective of those listed here. Understand that it isn’t going to change your appearance. It will make you seem more attractive to other people but that sort of illusion is easily managed through confidence or a different energy around you. The acne spell involves rubbing dirt on your face but make sure you choose dirt that doesn’t have pesticides or something similarly unhealthy.
Spell for Attractiveness
1 duck egg
1 red rose
4 cups of water
Bring the water to boil in a pan. Add the petals from the rose and the duck egg while stating aloud:
Ugly duckling I am not
Let me drink from this pot
The potion from this duck’s egg
And the petals of the rose’s lag.
Allow the water in the pan to cool and then drink. You can continue to drink it throughout the day until it is gone.
Remove Acne Spell
Equal parts:
Combine the three ingredients until they reach a thick consistency. You will be applying this to your skin so it should be thick enough to not be