Bruce spends some time with a tribe known to experiment with hallucinogenic drugs to become part of the spirit worlds. Fascinating documentary on BBC worldwide.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Bruce spends some time with a tribe known to experiment with hallucinogenic drugs to become part of the spirit worlds. Fascinating documentary on BBC worldwide.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@asdashopperrr ……Also in another vision I was floating in a void with two beings beside me wrapping me up in a thin film like materiel reassuring me that it was necessary for me being there. Again on later research I read a book on someones encounters with these salvia entities and to my disbelief not only was this vision replicated but other visions I have had were too.
Once you have one of these visionary experiences, it becomes very clear where religion originates from.
@asdashopperrr No offence taken =). Whatever you believe this to be, you cannot deny the mystery involved in these experiences. Why would I hallucinate a spirit goddess after smoking salvia, without prior knowledge of the link between the salvia plant and this goddess, (check out the Mazatec Indians, they believe that they see the Virgin Mary after ingesting salvia). Like I say, I didn’t have any idea of this at the time.. cont………………
@johnnywhiteshoe What about cases where people have been given sugar pills rather than real medicine and gotten better? We should always give them sugar pills rather than trying to treat them, since it has worked sometimes and less effectively than real medicine! My point is that real medicine can be proved to work beyond the placebo effect. Shamans (and similar) only work because people believe that they will, but proper medicine can be proved statistically to work better than this.
@astralstate73 Members of every other religion feel exactly the same way. People are willing to die for each one. Are all of them wrong and only yours is right? If they are mistaken maybe you are also mistaken. Maybe one of them has actually got it right and you are mistaken and are going to hell. I don’t mean to offend you but which is more likely: a hallucination, or access to a new, real spiritual realm?
@Zardoz151 I agree!
@asdashopperrr i don’t blame you for having this opinion. we have all learned to block this primitive side of our brains. i am not saying “primitive” to mean less developed, but this side of our brains seems more connected with a kind of energy modern religion and figures developed from our own human brain and senses have deemed silly. but what about doctors near primitive cultures who send patients to shamans, because a bone won’t heal if the doctor sets it, but it will if a shaman prays.
@asdashopperrr Shamanism isn’t a religion, it’s direct experience of the spirit realm. Believe me only last year I wouldn’t have thought it possible myself but after having the experience I can only conclude that this is so much more than the mechanism of a drug at work. Check out Graham Hancock -Altered states of consciousness, I think he could explain this phenomena much better than I ever could. Perhaps try it out yourself otherwise its like a life long vegy telling you what meat tastes like.
@BestVideosEver01 they aren’t slaves to the monetary system!!
the only thing you can cure with shamanism is your mind
Awesome video – check out our interview with Vegetalista Orlando Chujandama!
@asdashopperrr For me is a way for them to explain the hallucinations.They don’t know how to explain the mechanism of action of this drugs,so an entire mythology is created to give meaning to the experience.Like you said,is like any religion,but in this case you have the drug factor,which makes it far more interesting them mormons,for example.
Shamanism is placebo at best. Maybe the shamans believe it themselves or maybe it is fraud, but either way the only stuff that actually works is western medicine. As an object of cultural study it is interesting but it is like any religion, just nonsense.
Academics are finally looking at these practices without dismissing it as the ravings of madmen; scholars are now looking at shamanism in the context of its widespread cultural area and functions. It is after all truly ancient, found in the rock art of the Siberian people before they migrated to the Americas, which looks a hell of alot like the art and culture of Na-Dene people on the Great Plains.
@BestVideosEver01 The grass always looks greener on the other side, fool.
hahahahhahahha… lmao!
lol, he kind of does.
YA, listen to TheAncientMind.
drugs are processed in a lab,
not grown in dirt.
shut yr neck
when certain drugs make you sound like
His wife is always smiling because he is using a corked bat.
Correction, hallucinogenic plants not drugs.
thank you my friend