From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the Shiva Sutras discourse titled, Transcend Your Desires, Swamiji gives us an understanding of the profundity of Shiva Sutras. In most instances when truth is delivered and people begin to see benefits and people want to follow the truth but cannot stick to it, then dilution starts happening. Fortunately, Shiva Sutras has retained its original form. In this sutra Shiva describes how to go beyond desires and desirelessness. While this is a very simple sutra, anything simple requires you to be in a simple, innocent space. Swamiji teaches us in this sutra that when complete unclutching happens between past and future, true spiritual growth happens. The complete discourse may be ordered online at
A video to learn and practice meditation. Film do nauki i praktyki medytacji. T?umaczenie: ja 🙂 Video Rating: 4 / 5
That is why enlightenment is not for everyone however one is on their way of seeking it if you choose it. Your purpose first of all has to be clear. If you choose to work that is what you choose, if he teaches people the path to enlightenment, people choose to be with him. They are free to leave anytime. When people give willingly, it is an offering and acceptance at the same time. We can never put a value money to knowledge. It is simply free will.
Whatever a teacher says should be questioned,and the organizational structure thoroughly investigated, why? Not because it could be a cult after your money, no, everything is after a piece of your cake so why? Simply because you owe it to yourself to seek the truth. Can a guru be asked about the financial setup of the org or would it get his ego up? Can he be made to feel uncomfortable, if so maybe he is not enlightened and like many of us still has work to do.
what he is preaching is hidden atheism AND WHO ELSE WOULD LIKE TO BE GOD, OTHER THAN SATAN? What you are seeing here is just the beautiful side of evil! Don`t be deluded!
people of the world:
HE IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL DEMONS, WHICH HAS INCARNATED IN THIS WORLD! If you have doubts: Pray to God! He will show you the truth! Please don`t watch this kind of stuff here! It will bring negative energy into your home, just by watching it!
Please take this serious! Be aware of Paramahansa Nithyananda!
When the disconnect happened (while reading a book by Meher Baba) the fear was almost overpowering because there was nothing at all – no light, no spiritual planes, there was just infinite darkness with ripples in it. I didn’t know what I saw – I didn’t even know who I was so I started to move a hand making sure the body was still working.
Gratitude to all the Masters involved for the enlightenment of humanity to save it from self-destruction.
I think we’re quite lucky to live in the internet+YouTube age where we’re able to see and hear such masters just by clicking a mouse!
Watching videos is no substitute for formal practice but it’s still very valuable to hear these words and to see the wisdom, compassion, and peace he radiates.
@wafel1 Nie mog? zostawi? tego tak bez odpowiedzi, gdy? wielu ludzi sugeruje si? tymi komentarzami. I mo?e to by? szkodliwe.
Swoj? drog? to nie rozumiem ogl?dania filmiku w temacie, o którym ma si? z?e zdanie i zostawianie negatywnych komentarzy jeszcze pod nimi. Uwa?am, ?e katolicyzm jest bardzo szkodliwy, ale nie wchodz? na strony z katolickimi tre?ciami siej?c ferment, ?e jak b?dziesz s?ucha? ksi?dza, to ci si? w g?owie poprzewraca… Obejrzyjcie inne filmy w tematach, które popieracie.
@bartex223 Obserwowanie oddychania to obserwowanie oddychania. Nie da si? ju? tego dok?adniej wyja?ni?. Po prostu obserwujesz swój oddech. Wdech i wydech. Jeste? ?wiadkiem swojego oddychania. “3 oko” “aktywuje si? po czasie indywidualnym dla ka?dego.
@maciej0087 Mo?na na le??co, ale wtedy jest du?e prawdopodobie?stwo za?ni?cia, bo mózg ma zakodowane, ze kiedy si? k?adziesz i zamykasz oczy to idziesz spa? 😉
Co wy do niego/jej macie pokazuje jak medytowac i to w bardzo piekny sposób a jak macie co?do tego to do domu i grac w tibie albo w cos innego
wszystkie 5 cxzesci sa fajne wiec daje mu zawszystkie 10/10
@bLueANGELINKA Nic Ci nie pomorze medytowac sama musisz tego do?wiadczy? film jest tylko wskazówk? jak mniej wiecej to wygl?da.
Wystarczy ?e raz dziennie wieczorem na 10-15 min usiadziesz po turecku z wyprostowanym kregos?upem (tak jak na filmiku) i wyciszysz swój umys?. To b?dzie w?asnie medytacja ja ju? 1-2 razie odczu?em taki spokój wewnetrzny.
This Swamy has been caught in a Sex scandal today. Its on TV channels today from? 10:30pm IST. Please check out.
Great and deep talk…. <3
That is why enlightenment is not for everyone however one is on their way of seeking it if you choose it. Your purpose first of all has to be clear. If you choose to work that is what you choose, if he teaches people the path to enlightenment, people choose to be with him. They are free to leave anytime. When people give willingly, it is an offering and acceptance at the same time. We can never put a value money to knowledge. It is simply free will.
i forgot that exactly what i exprienced in beyond deep state of meditation
Whatever a teacher says should be questioned,and the organizational structure thoroughly investigated, why? Not because it could be a cult after your money, no, everything is after a piece of your cake so why? Simply because you owe it to yourself to seek the truth. Can a guru be asked about the financial setup of the org or would it get his ego up? Can he be made to feel uncomfortable, if so maybe he is not enlightened and like many of us still has work to do.
what he is preaching is hidden atheism AND WHO ELSE WOULD LIKE TO BE GOD, OTHER THAN SATAN? What you are seeing here is just the beautiful side of evil! Don`t be deluded!
people of the world:
HE IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL DEMONS, WHICH HAS INCARNATED IN THIS WORLD! If you have doubts: Pray to God! He will show you the truth! Please don`t watch this kind of stuff here! It will bring negative energy into your home, just by watching it!
Please take this serious! Be aware of Paramahansa Nithyananda!
So true, sonny!
I Agree.
When the disconnect happened (while reading a book by Meher Baba) the fear was almost overpowering because there was nothing at all – no light, no spiritual planes, there was just infinite darkness with ripples in it. I didn’t know what I saw – I didn’t even know who I was so I started to move a hand making sure the body was still working.
Gratitude to all the Masters involved for the enlightenment of humanity to save it from self-destruction.
This is one truth which i will need your full guidence and support to follow it.Thank you.
very nice…thank you:)
I think we’re quite lucky to live in the internet+YouTube age where we’re able to see and hear such masters just by clicking a mouse!
Watching videos is no substitute for formal practice but it’s still very valuable to hear these words and to see the wisdom, compassion, and peace he radiates.
Thank you again, Nithyananda! 🙂
Thank you Swamiji.
U R so right Swamiji..We r lucky to have u in this earth..Thanks Shiva.
Kocham medytacje moglbym caly dzien tak siedziec i doswiadczac 🙂
@wafel1 Nie mog? zostawi? tego tak bez odpowiedzi, gdy? wielu ludzi sugeruje si? tymi komentarzami. I mo?e to by? szkodliwe.
Swoj? drog? to nie rozumiem ogl?dania filmiku w temacie, o którym ma si? z?e zdanie i zostawianie negatywnych komentarzy jeszcze pod nimi. Uwa?am, ?e katolicyzm jest bardzo szkodliwy, ale nie wchodz? na strony z katolickimi tre?ciami siej?c ferment, ?e jak b?dziesz s?ucha? ksi?dza, to ci si? w g?owie poprzewraca… Obejrzyjcie inne filmy w tematach, które popieracie.
@bartex223 Obserwowanie oddychania to obserwowanie oddychania. Nie da si? ju? tego dok?adniej wyja?ni?. Po prostu obserwujesz swój oddech. Wdech i wydech. Jeste? ?wiadkiem swojego oddychania. “3 oko” “aktywuje si? po czasie indywidualnym dla ka?dego.
co dok?adniej znaczy obserwowa? oddychanie? z góry dzi?ki. I w jakim czasie aktywuje sie 3 oko, lub wychodzi(wchodzi) w cialo astralne?
@bakchantka nie walcz z nimi nie bron medytacji, prawde znasz … pozdrow ich odbrym slowem i niech ida dalej, mowic swoje 🙂
ja w to nawet nie wierze, ja to wiem 😀
@maciej0087 Mo?na na le??co, ale wtedy jest du?e prawdopodobie?stwo za?ni?cia, bo mózg ma zakodowane, ze kiedy si? k?adziesz i zamykasz oczy to idziesz spa? 😉
Co wy do niego/jej macie pokazuje jak medytowac i to w bardzo piekny sposób a jak macie co?do tego to do domu i grac w tibie albo w cos innego
wszystkie 5 cxzesci sa fajne wiec daje mu zawszystkie 10/10
@bLueANGELINKA Nic Ci nie pomorze medytowac sama musisz tego do?wiadczy? film jest tylko wskazówk? jak mniej wiecej to wygl?da.
Wystarczy ?e raz dziennie wieczorem na 10-15 min usiadziesz po turecku z wyprostowanym kregos?upem (tak jak na filmiku) i wyciszysz swój umys?. To b?dzie w?asnie medytacja ja ju? 1-2 razie odczu?em taki spokój wewnetrzny.
@maciej0087 Tak na le??co te? nawet na siedz?co w autobusie, ja itak wole w spokoju domu, wieczorem.