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begin to see why existence was brought into being, then we will find a goal worthy of any effort.


The pivotal issue, at least in the beginning of our search, is the nature of existence, particularly human existence.  In this scientific age, we are led to think that existence is strictly physical.  If that is so, then it seems to me that life is indeed full of sound and fury, but signifies nothing.  However, as we will see, science does not imply that existence is strictly physical.  In fact, one of the basic themes of this book is that our existence here on earth has both physical and nonphysical aspects.  The division is sharp, but the two aspects are closely intertwined in our lives.  Strange as it seems at first, we will find it is this division that leads to a unified view of existence, a view that will allow us to make deep, satisfying sense of our lives.

 These two aspects of existence have been explored by very different methods and disciplines.  The experimental probing and mathematical description of the physical aspects are the province of physics, while the study and experience of the nonphysical aspects of existence are the provinces of mysticism.  Spirituality, or mysticism, in its various guises provides the core of all religions.  The aspiring mystic is one who fervently hopes there is a nonphysical aspect to existence where worthy goals for our lives can be found.  One purpose of this book is to nurture that hope by showing that science does not preclude mysticism, and by delineating the basics of mysticism in a clear and useful form.

 Note: The terms “spirituality” and “mysticism” are used pretty much interchangeably

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