Stonehenge – All Hail Great Stones!
Kathy and I hit the ground running. She got into the English car on the wrong side and started driving on the “wrong” side of the street. We were off to Avebury, a four thousand year old standing stone circle shaped in the form of a dragon through a circle, the symbol of alchemy. The town of Avebury was actually surrounded by the standing stones.
Everything was foggy and cold. Our first stop was across from Silbury, known as the pregnant Earth Goddess energy. A flock of goats started toward us as we approached. I brought out a bagel and fed it to them. They were so gentle, even the ram. I knew I had done this before. The first thing people do when they see animals is want to feed them.
We arrived in the Avebury pub and didn’t have a sixpence for a cup of coffee. A reality check, we had no pounds, no currency in a foreign country. We took a walk along the Avenue of the Stones. I kept repeating Mother, Mother at each one. The henge around Avebury is man made. The henge encircles two circles of stones, male and female.
It seems this trip will be a returning for me to my former home. We are returning to the home of the Mother Goddess energy. The theme is to help balance the male and female energies within, and to unite our higher selves with our “earthly” selves. We will be walking the paths that many ancients have walked.
We came back to our B & B, the last place available in town at Heather’s house. I was so tired that I had to lie down for a nap. I started to hear the stones singing, a great hum was going on and on. The nap seemed like I had slept all night. We got up to go to dinner, and another walk near the “cove.” The Mary and Michael lines cross