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they were to be in Stonehenge that night. We asked if we could join them, the answer was no. We left for the Henge about 4 pm. We asked the lady at the ticket office for a place to stay. She referred us to a 700 year old mansion with 22 rooms. It was a B & B and was supposed to be the former home of Ann Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII.

We casually mentioned that we knew the Druids were going to be in Stonehenge that night. Before I knew it we had an appointment from 9 to 10 pm to have Stonehenge to ourselves after the Druids. When we approached the henge, that afternoon, I kept getting chills walking around. I call it “the chills of truth.”

We arrived at 9 pm to a star filled night, the Big Dipper, Orion et. al. All day there was no sun and not one star last night, but tonight the sky was abloom. The guard brought us in and told us that we were not permitted to go into the center because they had just laid new turf. We found out later that the center is where all the magic happens. If there is frost all around the stones, it will never be in the center circle.

Kathy started setting up the “ceremonial fires,” little candles and incense we had brought in. She set this up on the first of the two fallen stones facing toward the center circle. I had to walk the “avenue of the stones.” I slowly walked around touching each giant, but asking permission first. As I started to walk I kept saying out loud, “All hail great stones!” I couldn’t believe I was there, this great temple of the sun and moon, an Earth temple to the stars and God Goddess. I walked the whole outer circle. At one point I swore I saw a caped man in the foggy distance. It turned out to be a stone!

As I

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