Title :Igor Stravinsky ,The Rite of Spring – Sacrificial Dance From Wikipedia,The Rite of Spring, commonly referred to by its original French title, Le Sacre du Printemps (Russian: ????? ?????????, Vesna svjaš?ennaja) is a ballet with music by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, original choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky, and original set design and costumes by archaeologist and painter Nicholas Roerich, all under impressario Serge Diaghilev. The music is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest, most influential, and reproduced compositions in history. It is iconic for 20th century classical or avant garde European music, with innovative complex rhythmic structures, timbres, and use of dissonance. The scandal of a riot at its 1913 premier, caused by its innovative technique and content, made it one of the most internationally well known and controversial works in performance historyThe music for Le Sacre du Printemps is regarded as one of the pinnacles of human intellectual achievement. Composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein, in his Six Talks at Harvard, said of one passage, That page is sixty years old, but its never been topped for sophisticated handling of primitive rhythms, and of the work as a whole, its also got the best dissonances anyone ever thought up, and the best asymmetries and polytonalities and polyrhythms and whatever else you care to name.The Rite of Spring is a series of episodes depicting a wild pagan spring ritual: “… the wise elders are seated …
That’s like MH3’s Deviljho’s battle theme…
@TheGreatDissolve Itr was based on a dream he had
@TheBittyman it’s based on REAL occurrences. forget movies.
may fahvrat song
The Rite of Spring caused a riot when it was first performed.
sounds like this was from the original “planet of the apes”
idk 4 sure
@ttt8699 : An excellent and well thought-out response mister !
@3NUNS So he re-planted it, letting it grow, blossom, and mature for future generations to rediscover and ultimately love!
to stravinsky lovers. maybe you would like this concerto.
just write the word FREAKOLLO, and you would get to a 2 parts concerto, enjoy.
imagine stravinski vs. prokofiev
stravinsky is one of those people whose head i just wish i could get into… it’s so horrible that i’ll never meet him.
Gotta love those quintuplets..
scarry song
my god this is sweet.
@ShadowInfest instead of though there should stand a by the way *
@inuyasha2448 Thy Art Murder is nice
but this isn’t classical music 
this is Expressionism with some aspects of russian folklore and a little influence of neo-klassizism, though love this peace hehe so brutal stuff^^
But didn’t he work with some of the leading Jewish conductors of his era such as Otto Klemperer? Klemperer, in fact, was a great admirer of his, though that doesn’t mean he liked him personally.
what orchestra and conductor is this from?
@ConductorsHateMe israel was a state before the romans called it palestine
true story man, i enjoy classical even though i also listen to its complete opposite(devourment, whitechapel, thy art is murder, hour of penance)
i actually got into classical from a metal band, fleshgod apocalypse, should check them out they have some awesome piano pieces in a few songs, namely “oracles”
Is it true that Coco Chanel was also known as the “French Open”?
did you know that:
Israel was not a state until the 1940s
Le Sacre du Printempts was written in 1913, and was about russian pagan rituals.
Also, Stravinsky was an anti-semite, just like you, and despite that, he was still a genius, and this piece transcends beauty, so just shut up. and learn a thing or two.
ok, but you know that this song has nothing to do with that right?
not sure it can be compared to metal, or indeed Sonny and Cher. its a completely different style of music.
That music is for a horror movie. It seems that the author has been inspired in the horrors the Jews are causing on the Palestinian people, despite UN resolutions, the Jewish people could not care less. The nose of Stravinsky reminds me of something. Israel is carrying out an ethnic cleansing with an immigration policy based on scrupulous screening of Jewish genealogy, banning everybody else, schools only for Jews, etc. A real horrific reality in the 21th Century.