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Practical help with tarot reading and using it to see points within yourself and your experience in self honesty. What I am talking about in this video is the point where we have to take the time to look at ourselves and our experience, to be self honest, and see who we truly have become .regards emotion and feelings I am not saying that we should allow them to controle us. What I am saying is that we have to face those reactions, feelings/emotions, and be self honest within them and stop them from controlling us, and tossing us from 1 side to the other. To be self honest and direct yourself, and not be directed. Supressing the emotions/feelings will only compound and intensify it . To get more support about this and read perspectives, go read them on the desteni forum.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Learn how to read the fool tarot card from a professional tarot reader in this free fortune-telling video. Expert: Anubha Gupta Bio: Anubha Gupta has been a professional tarot card reader since 2004. She has been serving 400 families all over India for several years. Filmmaker: Jitin Tuli

25 Responses to Support with tarot reading – Card 1 : Swords 4

  • SpamAnn says:

    a believe.
    energetics promote abuse in this world, following energetic experiences.

  • AccuracyMarked says:

    Energetic?…Yeah ok, thanks. I sure the Holy Spirit would take that as one of Its qualities.

  • SpamAnn says:

    No, you just had an energetic experience. why connect thoughts to it towards what it is? Look at your thoughts and discover

  • AccuracyMarked says:

    I’ve felt the Holy Spirit encircle me…..super heated blanket of pure love and joy….it only resides in a being that’s pure in heart and mind….and for three seconds It was upon me and then departed as I became unclean in my thought questioning if it was the Holy Spirit….when in fact the HS answered my question. I am fortunate but unfortunate as once you feel it….you will always long to reside in it’s presence so pure and harminous, joy and happy. God Does Exist & the Book is not silly!

  • SpamAnn says:

    dead religion is in books, new religion is in books. What are you referring to? did you speak to jezus himself? saw him?
    Well Ihave news for you, alot of people see things, see gods, fairies, aliens etc…
    If humans go to heaven then heaven would be as fucked up as earth. Humans follow their feelings and emotions, which enslave you to act a certain way, to desire, to fear, etc…

  • nicknchrist says:

    See that’s the misunderstanding here. DEAD religion teaches us that we can just know ABOUT JESUS by reading His Biography lol BUT JESUS HIMSELF says that His sheep hear His voice. A lot of us have been offered a bad dose of that DEAD RELIGION in the name of GOD but if you really look into it it’s spiritual from the beginning to the end and JESUS taught us HOW To tap into it and have a relationship with GOD. Demons are real but even greater angels and Heaven are real and we can experience that.

  • SpamAnn says:

    You dont know Jesus, all you know about him is from what others have said and from a book.

  • SpamAnn says:

    Because what you are saying are believes from a book. i dont believe any book. I have investigated christianity for years and really wanted to believe at first. Some time later I saw how I was fooling myself. Spirit guide? wtf i never said anything about a spirti guide, i dont have a spirit guid or whatever.
    Believes are believes, allah, buddha, krishna, jezus. Real things are things in reality which YOU do and say, to manifest equality on earth.

  • nicknchrist says:

    I think people have been fed a lot of religious bull that has tainted our image of how AWESOME JESUS is and how overempatically spiritual the bible really is. Wonder why they’ve kept the general public all these years from reading the Word of God and kept them in their clutches of death and religion. Satan is basically this ANYTHING but JESUS. Religion YEP, New Age YEP, withchraft YEP, wicca YEP, satanism OF COURSE, atheism YEP but a living relationship with JESUS ohhh no anything but…

  • nicknchrist says:

    I ask this in complete sincerity to understand your heart here. Could you tell me why you would not desire a loving relationship with the GOD who truly cares about you and wished to share all He has with you but you’ll trust in a piece of a tree with pictures on it and some spirit guide or whatever? I fail to comprehend. Maybe it’s because I come from the point of view of one who has encountered JESUS who is all in all and that my heart aches to share HIs love with everybody that is seeking.

  • rubenmoutinho says:

    It’s cool realizing that by suppressing the emotions you/we are just getting the same result that when allowing them to condition our expression.

    The first case because then we don’t want to talk/realize who we really are and the second one because we don’t realize that that’s not who we really are and just play it out = in both cases compromising self.

    So – no more hiding the experiences that arise

  • jantheempress says:

    rest from strife

  • SpamAnn says:


  • belshazzar1983 says:

    All right, I see… You want the cycle to repeat? I was hoping it would take a new direction with freaky mutants and explosions and stuff, oh well. I wish you luck in your endeavors then, you seem to be very set upon them… I’m gonna go read a book

  • SpamAnn says:

    has nothing to do with right now, right here. We can still decide what to allow within ourselves and what we follow and what not. Loose from what we feel , feelings are deceiving.

  • belshazzar1983 says:

    But that was done already, eons ago, before time itself began… and it started to kill beings off from boredom…

  • SpamAnn says:

    the system cannot be fixed, we can , on the other hand, change what we allow to live as and live out. We can decide in self honesty what we say and do and manifest within this existence.

  • belshazzar1983 says:

    You are the millionth bazillionth person to think this though! That’s the torture you endure! Everyone chooses a kind of torture! Some are raped, stabbed, shot, beaten, killed by a virus! They scream, HELP! &pray to a God of their choice with no answer. But this is the game of the Gods, it’s stupid and weird but that’s how it is. You are noble for your efforts but you know they are in vain, you know that fixing the system is not the game, it just takes on new flavors of misery as time goes on

  • SpamAnn says:

    lets create a system thats best for all one and equal

  • belshazzar1983 says:

    Tarot = system. Emotions = system. Money = system. Everything you are is a system. You can’t use the systems to escape or oppose the systems. That system is called “The Joke”. Laughing at the joke is closest you can come to being past the illusion. When you laugh you stop trying to make the world different, instead, you make yourself different…it’s called change, adaptation…evolution.

  • deliciousonionsoup says:

    You speak of spirits here. Do they actually exist?

  • SpamAnn says:

    yes, or for people that use them and can look at them in self honesty towards their own experience.

  • deliciousonionsoup says:

    So the cards do come up randomly but you just use them as an aid anyway – usng self-honesty?

  • deliciousonionsoup says:

    But don’t the cards just come out randomly? And so won’t you just be interpretting from the random card that comes up to events happening in your life?

  • deliciousonionsoup says:

    It’s so hard to know what is suppressing and what isn’t suppressng.

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