dialogue, planning and development among riparians, focused on the sharing of water and water’s benefits
1) Lack of institutional depth like thin staffing which is insufficient to respond the increasing and emerging demands placed on the institution in the area of strategic planning, resource mobilization, or responding to basin management issues.
2) Inadequate capacity to develop regional databases and to analyze water resource information
3) There is a lack of coordination and linkages with some NBI stakeholders like the Lake Victoria Basin Commission – LVBC.
4) The planning of NBI projects didn’t incorporate the local knowledge of the indigenous people in the Nile basin states.
5) Despite the fact that the NBI is trying to develop and generate hydroelectric power along the Nile for the benefit of all people, the initiative is not part and partial of the World Commission on Dams (WCD) which provides comprehensive guidelines for constructing dams on international transboundary rivers.
6) Theoretically NBI is bottom up but practically, is strongly top-down.
7) NBI is the most complex and ambitious river basin project ever and this may result into misinterpretations and wrong analysis of the whole project.
1). Continued support of the World Bank to the NBI projects present “hope” for the
achieving the NBI goals in future. Further more, financial and in kind contribution of member will help sustain NBI functions.
Establishment of Institutional Strengthening Project (NBI-ISP) is hoped to provide solutions to the challenges facing the NBI. For
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