Shipibo shaman Don Alfredo in the ethnobotanical circuit of the Ashi Meraya Centre of Traditional Amazonian Medicine talking about the properties of the Chullachaki caspi – one of the most important teacher trees (palos maestros) used in the shamanic diet… Continue reading
Theword shaman originated from a word in Siberia and eventually came to be applied to all medicine men and women of indigenous cultures who’s practice includes the flight of the soul. Anthropologist studying indigenous cultures throughout the world, began to… Continue reading
Question by Shweppes: What’s the difference between Amazonian Shamanism and Siberian Shamanism?
Can you recommend any good books about this subject? And why were they interesting to you? Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Kuve
Shamanism* is basically the… Continue reading
Ayahuasca Retreats ? an Interview With an Amazonian Shaman
After being virtually ignored by Western civilization for centuries, there has been a huge surge of interest in Ayahuasca recently. There is a growing belief that it is a… Continue reading