Toanswer one of the most common questions (What pedal should I use without paying hundreds for a kick trigger?), for the money, I recommend the “Destroyer Pedal”, which gives zero double-hits, it’s metal, and it’s great for using heel-toe with.… Continue reading

by far my best OMB. I played with video editing today and hope this works. Video quality will only improve from now on (3 mbps seems ideal). more to come in the future…

See the jumping rubber band illusion revealed in this free magic lesson video. Expert: Dave Foydel Contact: Bio: After over twelve years of honing his skills, Dave Foydel entered the world of professional magic in 1994. In addition to… Continue reading
Question by /^/^/^/^/^/^/: Whats a good name for a band like this?
and is this a good idea in your opinon?… ok this is what i want a band with a mix of red hot chili peppers,… Continue reading