Question by Bilbo Baggins: Is Shamanism an art? Like alchemy is an art ? Or are both Divination?
We stand around in a Circle and suppose
While in the middle the Mystery sits and knows.
Robert Frost.
Best answer:… Continue reading
Greetings and a Blessed Samhain to all Pagans.Music by Hayley Westernra.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Have You Known the Magic of Making Up Review That Can Actually Make Both of You for a Making Up Relationship Together?
Have you known the magic of making up review that can actually make both of you… Continue reading
Why Both Venus And Sirius Are Brilliantly Bright 2010/2012 END
Why Both Venus And Sirius Are Brilliantly Bright 2010/2012 END
It all began with the Venus and Crescent Moon (January 5, 2008). This is the month that… Continue reading