Question by Lovely53: Three card tarot spread: Page of Wands, Three of Cups, Page of Pentacles What does it mean?
I did a three card spread for someone who asked, “Will I be in relationship by the end of… Continue reading
Learn how to read the seven of cups tarot card in this free fortune-telling video on how to read tarot cards. Expert: Anubha Gupta Bio: Anubha Gupta has been a professional tarot card reader since 2004. She has been serving… Continue reading
Tarot Card Definitions: What Do Cups Mean?
The Tarot is an ancient technique used over the centuries, and to this day, by fortune-tellers and psychics. However, although Tarot card definitions may vary from culture to culture, or from… Continue reading
The Cups of The Celtic Dragon Tarot Deck
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