This video shows the animations for the SS Magic Spells: Rexbolt, Rexflame, Rexaura, Rexcalibur and Balberith. — Sorry about the Balberith quality being so bad but I only had a save with Pelleas on 4-E-5. If you want to… Continue reading
Golden-Dawn.EU – 1(888)595-HOGD – Part 3 includes the the Magical Eucharist of the Four Elements in the Ahathoor Grand Temple. Jean-Pascal Ruggiu then lectures on Countess Bourkoun, Marquis Tereschenko, and the modern history of the Ahathoor Temple. Part 3 of… Continue reading
Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn Deck
List Price: CDN$ 26.50
Price: CDN$ 15.65
[wprebay kw=”tarot+deck” num=”14″ ebcat=”all”] [wprebay kw=”tarot+deck” num=”15″ ebcat=”all”]
Using your PC in a Home Theatre ? the dawn of a New Age for Entertainment
It’s a truism now to say that readers of newspapers and magazines are down while online based news, reviews and entertainment are… Continue reading