Vintage Maps: D?cor With Direction
Vintage Maps: Décor with Direction
“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases;
It will never pass into nothingness;”
– John Keats
Maps have long enjoyed a special place… Continue reading
The Symbolism of Holiday Decor
With all the holiday hustle driving us from one party to the next, and one store to another, it’s hard not to take for granted the symbols and traditions passed down hundreds of… Continue reading
Use Ceremonial Drums For Beautiful Western Home Decor
Because I love southwest decorating, I recently added ceremonial drums as part of the rustic, southwest decor in my new home. I was so happy with the beautiful, rustic feel… Continue reading
You Can Use Native American Drums To Create Chic Country Home Decor
Native American drums are without a doubt the most recognizable Native instruments among Native Americans and non Native American people alike. Drums for many generations have… Continue reading