Developing your Inner Spiritual Guidance
As the world becomes more connected through the technologies of communication, it is also becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection… Continue reading
Parikarmas -Developing friendliness or MAITRI
Today I woke up in a perfectly good mood, somewhere along the way, I found myself snapping at my housekeeper and my father’s friend who called to chat. Almost immediately I realised I was being… Continue reading
Beginners Guide to Developing your Psychic Abilities
Beginners Guide to Developing your psychic abilities. You can be your own psychic!
As a teacher, I hear people constantly saying they don’t have any psychic abilities, yet invariably when… Continue reading
Discover the Secrets of Developing your Own Psychic Powers
What is a Psychic?
A psychic is a person who is believed to possess extra sensory perception and is regarded as a highly intuitive individual.… Continue reading