Question by Shai Hulud: Why do some girls find sex to be so sacred?
I seriously can’t comprehend the reasoning behind wanting to wait before having sex. Sex is fun. It feels good.
So if neither of… Continue reading
In Bombay, children as young as 9 are bought for up to 60000 rupees, or US00, at auctions where foreigners bid against Indian men who believe sleeping with a virgin cures gonorrhea and syphilis. Child prostitution is more common here… Continue reading
Question by Bingo: How does young native america boy and girls get their names?
A young indian boy asks the Shaman: How does babies get their names?
Shaman answers: When a new indian boy or girl is born, the… Continue reading

Cyril Takayama’s Kiss effect performed by Kar Yung Tom with random outtakes. Thank you all for watching.
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