*noise in the background is our 8 yr old and his cousin playing the xbox* He became frustrated at trying to share a desk with his 2 yr old sister. This was his third episode for the day. Kai 11.5… Continue reading

What do you wait for? Life and Death exists? what of afterlife? Now hold your Breath. Discover the preciousness your life. Let go of negative attachment. There is depth; there is breadth, there is Shaman Strings Holding the Breath. ______… Continue reading
Holding Men Responsible For Women’s Sexual Arousal
Quite unfairly, we often blame men for the difficulties that women have with orgasm during sex. For example, it is suggested that by coming too soon men fail to provide… Continue reading
The Stages of the Soul and How Religiosity/fundamentalism is Holding Up Evolution
“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”-Arthur Schopenhauer… Continue reading