Ronan’s 2nd job: Dragon Knight Characteristics: A Spell Knight is a one handed sword technician that is very strong in close combat and uses combinations of white magic to support his team. Dragon Knights weapon of choice is the glaive… Continue reading
Nature is our teacher if only we look. The magic butterfly is a message about our ability to transform.Are you a butterfly who thinks they are still a caterpillar?

Entheogens have long been a part of Human Culture. During the… Continue reading
Question by retropopzero: Can anyone tell me the meaning of the Knight of Cups in a tarot card reading?
The woman reading my cards said that this card was my card, and I’m just curious as to what this… Continue reading
The New Age Of Superheroes: The Watchmen And The Dark Knight
As anyone can clearly see, this is a time for the superheroes, but this isn\’t the time for the superheroes you were once used to as evidenced… Continue reading