Question by Gavin Cato: Why do those who worry about deaths of ancient Canaanites think nothing of killing the unborn?
I often hear modern day heathens wail and fret over poor Canaanites who were slaughtered for their filthy degenerate… Continue reading
Nothing is Nothing
Life is Everything It’s Not!
The moment you seek something it flees. The moment you speak a word it dissolves. The moment you view a situation, it shifts. The moment you encounter a person, the… Continue reading
Something Out of Nothing: Myth About Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Truth About Paganism and Witchcraft – A Handbook for Childcare and Other Professionals
List Price: CDN$ 7.82
Price: CDN$ 8.82
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Question by KiLLJoY: Y do Native Americans keep calling us Infidels, knowing nothing of their people as we are becoming shamans…?
…in our own right, and they only spew out self-righteousness and ridicule like the White Mans religion?
Best… Continue reading