Question by Maria: How does someone do tarot card readings over the phone or internet? Thank you.?
I’d really like to know what the method is if they do it without the person present, and is it… Continue reading
Question by turdhanger: Did Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson jump on the racist band wagon over the L.A. times op-ed about Magic Negro?
The Times op-ed, written by cultural critic David Ehrenstein, is headlined “Obama the ‘Magic… Continue reading
Great Documentary! Credit goes to … At the foot of the mountain, a small boy sits wriggling in his fathers arms, giggling at the strange figure dancing before him. Wearing a deer-skin coat hung with ribbons, pieces of antler,… Continue reading
Love Over Country
ABHINAVA GUPTA –”Oneness is like the clear blue sky – everything arises, unfolds, and subsides within its allcompassionate love…. Everything is an aspect of Oneness. And our quest to know this comes from Oneness.”
ABRAHAM… Continue reading