Shaman, Sage, Raconteur
Shaman, Sage, Raconteur
Norman W Wilson, PhD
Shaman or shamanka (female) for purposes here, simplistically may be defined as a healer.The male form will be used to avoid the he/she repetition. As a healer, the… Continue reading
Life Imitates Art: If I Am A Sage
If I Am A Sage
I know of an age old question that two seekers may ponder together. Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? Art is fantasy.… Continue reading
Shaman, Healer, Sage
Alberto Villoldo, a classically trained medical anthropologist, has studied shamanic healing techniques among the descendants of the ancient Inkas for more than twenty years. In Shaman, Healer, Sage, he draws on his vast body of knowledge to… Continue reading