Satanic Tradition or Just Clean Fun?
Annually in October, Halloween decorations, costumes, and props begin to flood the entrances and isles of malls, departments stores, and grocery stores. Advertisements for haunted houses, themed parties, and other events… Continue reading
wtf? multiple personality disorders, i guess thats gonna be a common side effect from this kind of upbringing, but then again it also makes me wonder about her credability, alyhough she comes across as being pretty straight up and together…hmmm,,,What… Continue reading

I amChristina and I’m a witch. Welcome to my – my magic homepage. There is much useful for all who are interested in magic, witchcraft, occultism. Lot of free books on magic, articles and tips, as well as a… Continue reading
3 poems read by Aleister Crowley himself The Pentagram, the poet, three hyms for man.The Thoth Tarot pt 01cups to major.The striking, fascinating artwork in this deck was created by the famous occultist and Golden Dawn member, Aleister Crowley.the deck… Continue reading