Ayahuasca Shaman, the Shipibo Benjamin Ochavano Interviewed in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru
Conversation with Benjamín Ochavano, Peru 2002
Howard G Charing & Peter Cloudsley interviewed Shipibo Ayahuasca Shaman Benjamin Ochavano in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru, who… Continue reading
Shipibo Ayahuasca Shaman Leoncio Garcia Interviewed
We interviewed Shipibo maestro Leoncio Garcia, a man in his mid seventies but with the appearance of a man twenty years younger. Again a testimonial to the youth giving qualities of Ayahuasca… Continue reading
Nterview With Shipibo Ayahuasca Shaman Enrique Lopeiz in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru – Part 1
I was born in a Shipibo community called Roaboya which is on the River Ucayali about 10 hours downstream from Pucallpa. Roaboya… Continue reading
Interview With Shipibo Ayahuasca Shaman Enrique Lopez in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru – Part 2
Tell us about the use of Tobacco.
Tobacco is very necessary for a shaman’s work. Smoke protects against enemies and badness… Continue reading