by Carol Browne
Question by yuanqing y: What books should I refer to if I want to research the Thoth in Tarot?
Thoth is one kind of Tarot.
Best answer:
Answer by Deek L
Rex Libiris, Librarian. Great comic,… Continue reading
by bijoubaby
Question by LabGrrl: Pagans: How should you react to people who make claims about your faith’s basis that are contrary to fact?
This question primarily refers to the pre-Christian culture derived Pagans who have archaeological and historical… Continue reading
Question by Steven C: Should There Be Idolatry in Your Worship?
Christmas is a holiday shared and celebrated by many religions.
It is a day that has an effect on the entire world.
To many people, it is a… Continue reading
Question by Lost Dude: Should teenagers take Magic Pills to stop or decrease their sex drive?
As a fellow teenager myself, I am doing everything I can within my power and mental capacity to think of constructive, creative, bonified… Continue reading