MAHAVIRA –“As the fallow leaf of the tree falls to the ground when its days are gone, even so the lives of men(come to a close).Gautama, be careful all the while. As a… Continue reading
Desktop Book Racks – Save Work, Time And Space All At Once!
The use of book racks and binder racks is not just for Libraries. Our daily routine requires the use of reference books such… Continue reading
Question by TheAsender: Nearly 60 yrs ago I read in Genesis, sons gods cohabit earthlings daughters, space travelers to me to you?
I was a teenager and an avid reader, so I thought I would read the old testament.… Continue reading
On The Day The Universe Called: What Was Going On In Space
On The Day The Universe Called: What Was Going On In Space
I knew that God’s Great Flying Mountainous Mother Plane (Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:24-26)… Continue reading